Dear Editor: An article on The Tablet called attention to the plight of Christians in northern Nigeria and the efforts of Father Joseph Bature Fidelis to help (“Nigerian Priest Urges Western Leaders to Help Christians in His Country,” March 21).
Letters to the Editor
We welcome letters to the Readers’ Forum, but they must include (for verification purposes) the writer’s full name, home address and phone numbers. Letters with incomplete information won’t be considered for publication. Your name may be withheld upon request, after verification is completed. Letters signed simply “Name Withheld” are not considered for print. Letters should be as brief as possible, and, of course, all letters are subject to editing. Letters containing the proviso “Do Not Edit” also are not considered. You can submit your letter by clicking the button below.
The Expression “Birth Mother” Is Misguided
Dear Editor: I read the story “Pro-Life Family Shows the Adoption Choice,” (Feb. 8 edition) with great interest, for my mother relinquished me for adoption within a few weeks of my birth. I find myself saddened by the report’s use of the term “birth mother,” which, sadly, is widespread.
A Sad Day Not Just for the Boy Scouts
Dear Editor: The Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy protection due to sexual abuse lawsuits.
Thank You For Supporting Bridge to Life
Dear Editor: Thank you, Maurice, for writing in support of the unborn (“Why I Am Not a Democrat Anymore,” Reader’s Forum, March 14). We are still in need of a place we can house our headquarters. We are losing our lease in April 2020. Please pray that we can relocate in time, and keep providing our clients with the services that they have come to rely on from us.
There Are Changes That Are Not Good
Dear Editor: I have to ask a question. I really hope that somebody can answer it for me. Simply put, are we Catholics a thing of the past, a dying breed?
Announcements At The End Of The Mass
Dear Editor: When you go to Mass, you experience a great event of hearing the two readings, the Gospel and then the sermon.
Catholic Sisters Week In The United States
Dear Editor: March 8-14 is Catholic Sisters Week in the U.S. While the last 50 years has seen a dwindling number of religious vocations there is much hope for the future.
Trump’s Courageous Fight Against Abortion
Dear Editor: The Tablet should reconsider its protestations of evenhandedness given its repetitive publication of letters containing false slanders without rejoinders (Readers’ Forum, February 8).
The Unity of the Church And the Kingdom of God
Dear Editor: The Church has a purpose — to produce saints for the Kingdom of God. The Unity of the Church is secondary to its primary purpose — inspiring people to give up doing their own will in order to do God’s will (“The Role of the Pope Emeritus And the Unity of the Church,” The Editor’s Space, Feb. 2).
Why I Am Not a Democrat Anymore
Dear Editor: I am having an extremely hard time listening to the platform of the Democrat National Party. They seem to campaign with two mantras: They hate Donald Trump and they voraciously defend abortion. It really doesn’t matter who the Democrat is. The message is still the same. Their second mantra is one of the reasons why I left the DNC decades ago.