Letters to the Editor

There Are Changes That Are Not Good

Dear Editor: I have to ask a question. I really hope that somebody can answer it for me. Simply put, are we Catholics a thing of the past, a dying breed?

Why do I ask? Simple. In just the last twelve months, I have seen, read and/or heard about the closing of Catholic schools, the advancement of the abortion agenda, the redefinition of Catholicism by so-called Catholic politicians, vandalism of our churches, more accusations of sexual abuse by our clerics and a few more issues. Have we “turned our cheeks” on every issue out there? I am wondering why we have not bothered to stand up for ourselves and just merely accepted these things as a way of life and a part of our society. Our numbers are getting smaller and smaller as time goes on.

As a retired school teacher, for example, I see a disturbing trend taking place. When a Catholic school is forced to close, in most cases, children have to attend public or charter schools. There, students become indoctrinated into accepting acts which go against our Catholic faith. Do we really want that for our children who are the future of our society? I certainly don’t.

I do accept that we need to change and that, for the most part, change is good. The only exception is that there are some changes that are not good. I do not wish to see the elimination of Catholicism because that would not be a good change for any of us. It would be the death knell for our Church.

Maurice Bernier 

Springfield Gardens