“God Bless America” and “In God we Trust”

Dear Editor: The May 18, 2019 issue of the “The Tablet” contained an article with the caption “Pennsylvania Principal banned from saying ‘God Bless America.’” I guess those folks who want to disallow the use of this phrase also gave up the use of U.S. issued paper money!

The Gratuitous Ridicule of Animal Lovers

Dear Editor: The gratuitous ridicule of animal lovers discredits those expressing such disdain. Lately the Readers’ Forum has published letters that deplore those people who express love or deep concern for animals, whether this involves pets or ethical treatment, or, indeed the survival of diverse animal species.

A Far More Insidious Enemy

Dear Editor: The 75th Anniversary of D. Day has just passed, in which the nation acknowledged publicly the extreme sacrifice made by so many in ensuring the continuation of freedom and liberty. After the second World War, the United States severely cut back on Military, believing, mistakenly, that having nuclear weapons would be a deterrent to any who would be aggressive in the future.

Remembering Father Michael Carrano

Dear Editor: I was so sad to hear of Father Michael Carrano’s passing (“Father Michael A. Carrano,” Obituaries, July 6-13).  He said mass at St. Frances Cabrini Bensonhurst and I had the pleasure of serving as Eucharistic Minister with him.

The Catholic Voters Should Be Informed

Dear Editor: The editorial comments regarding the upcoming 2020 Presidential election were distressing to say the least (“2020 Foresight,” Editor’s Space, July 27). While the editorial board cannot endorse a specific candidate or party , you can inform the Catholic voters about conflicts or disqualifications that may arise regarding the views held by either the party or the candidates.

Reading Maketh a Full Man

Dear Editor: As a retired teacher of high school and college English, I was in full accordance with Father Robert Lauder’s recent discourse on the lack of reading in today’s students (“Importance of Reading,” June 15). Although I retired a number of years ago, I also substituted for many years thereafter. Thus, I was able […]

A Chance to Relax During a Very Hot Summer

Dear Editor: Thank you for inviting me to submit (and publishing) my summer reading list (“What the Diocese is Reading,” July 20). It is an honor to be in the company of such luminaries.

The Magnificent Life of Kaitlyn Bernhardt

Dear Editor: The article “Brooklyn Teen on Early Road to Sainthood Remembered at St. Bernard’s Parish,” by Antonina Zielinska, on July 6 was a moving eulogy and testimony of the short but magnificent life and ministry of Kaitlyn Rose Bernhardt… a very beautiful, blessed instrument and messenger of God’s love and desire for the salvation of His earthly creations.

About Human Composting

Dear Editor: Will George Weigel never tire of his quest to prove the superiority of his personal preferences over those he chooses to call the “unchurched,” but also those of many of the Christian — and Jewish — faithful? In his column on “composting,” (“On the Composting of Thee and Me,” May 11) he makes sport of anyone who has the temerity to hold that our human bodies are but “microbes on a grain of dust,” despite the fact that the Church has proclaimed exactly that on every Ash Wednesday since time out of mind.