Diocesan News

Only In Print: Archdiocese Officially Hands Dorothy Day’s Sainthood Cause to the Vatican

New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan applies a wax seal to the final box of documents destined for Rome to begin the Vatican phase of the cause for sainthood of social activist and writer Dorothy Day. (Photo: CNS/ Gregory A. Shemitz)

MANHATTAN — Seventeen heavy boxes of documents — part of the case being made for sainthood for Brooklyn-born Dorothy Day — are now signed, sealed, and about to be delivered to the Vatican.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan ceremoniously applied a wax seal to the 17th box during the evening Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Dec. 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception…

The rest of this article can be found exclusively in the Dec. 18 printed version of The Tablet. You can buy it at church for $1, or you can receive future editions of the paper in your mailbox at a discounted rate by subscribing here. Thank you for supporting Catholic journalism.