An Unquenchable Thirst

Dear Editor: I would respond to Mr. Lancucki (An Anti-Catholic Bias, The Readers’ Forum, Sept. 29) that everything he wrote about the Democratic Party “there is no honor … only an unquenchable thirst for power by any means necessary” actually applies to the Republican Party.

Teaching on Abortion

Dear Editor: I read about Pope Saint Paul VI and his faith (The First Modern Pope, The Tablet, Oct. 20) and understood why he was so loved yet also hated by some.

Synagogue Shooting

Dear Editor: My heart cries out for your lost loved ones, and for all those left behind, family, friends, congregants, for such a heinous crime… My prayers are with all of you and your suffering.

Much-Needed Civility

Dear Editor: A well-crafted, balanced call for much-needed civility (Midterm Elections, The Tablet, Nov. 3).

The Price of Immigration

Dear Editor: Michael Bobrow’s letter in the Oct. 27 Tablet (Traditional Pro-Life Judaism) and in the Nov. 3 issue, The Editor’s Space, As the Tablet Sees It and the letters from Deacon Arthur Griffin (The Crime of Abortion) and Tom Hackert (Politics and Due Process), when read together, provide an interesting commentary on the Catholic Church and how it views (or, more importantly, how it should view) certain critical issues.

Birthright Citizenship

Dear Editor: Hooray for President Trump for reading all the words in the 14th Amendment (President Trump Plans to End Birthright Citizenship, The Tablet, Nov. 3).

The Church Doctrine

Dear Editor: What the Church needs to do is be less concerned with everyone’s feelings and more concerned with upholding and teaching Church doctrine, being faithful to the magisterium of the Catholic Church. Most people are poorly catechized and have no understanding of what the Church teaches or why the Church teaches what it does. Priests like Father Martin only cause further confusion.

No Place Like Home

Dear Editor: Jerry Maren, who portrayed the Lollipop kid in the 1939 classic “The Wizard of Oz,” was the last surviving Munchkin of the 125 little people who were in the film.

Politics and Due Process

Dear Editor: Now that judge Kavanaugh has been confirmed, the opposition is hoping to win the House in November so they can begin proceedings to impeach him.

The Crime of Abortion

Dear Editor: America was founded with the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights protected by our Constitution have been called inalienable, i.e. they cannot be taken away. In my service in the Catholic Church, I hear “For the right to life from conception to natural death, we pray to the Lord.”