Removing the Beams from Our Eyes

Have you ever seen anyone walk around with a wooden beam in his eye? When I read this Sunday’s Gospel, I picture someone with a huge piece of wood in his eye. I think the Lord Jesus is using absurd imagery here to make a point.

A Moment of Grace, Affirmation and Vindication

Sitting on the couch of a therapist’s office all those years ago, I never imagined I would be happy with the possibility of having a published list of names that includes my own abuser. In fact, I was adamant that there would never be any form of confrontation or public revelation: this was a private matter.

Above All, Pray for Them!

As we write this, the Vatican is holding its meeting for the heads of the Catholic Episcopal Conferences from around the world on the sad and distressing topic of child sex abuse.

Excommunicating Cuomo

Dear Editor: Excommunicating Governor Andrew Cuomo is exactly the response he wants from the Catholic Church. By announcing New York State is onboard, he singles himself out as a loyal ultraliberal member of his party and welcomes the attention he is receiving. Moral principles go out the window and are replaced by political ambition and a quest for power. Watch out, Governor.

Spirit of the Law

Dear Editor: In regard to abortion, we have come down to the “letter of the law” versus “the spirit of the law.” None of this should surprise us since we tried to re-define the word “is” during a recent presidency. These days the word for re-defining is “procures.”

Cuomo: Spin and Duplicity

Dear Editor: Gov. Cuomo, like most political hucksters, is a master of spin and duplicity who sadly, believes the vitriol and egocentric slight of hand and “religious hocus-pocus” which he pukes out in defense of murdering born and unborn babies. Shame on him and those who advise him, if anyone can do such a evil task.

Respect and Admiration

Dear Editor: I left the State of New York before Bishop DiMarzio became Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn. But my heart still has a huge place reserved for my county and Church in Brooklyn.

Msgr. Keane: A Good Priest

Dear Editor: He always pointed out the important things in life by telling us, ”Gentleman this is key.” He would encourage us each day by exhorting us with one word that would become his legacy to many of us: “Gentlemen, persevere” (“Msgr. Keane, Teacher and Pastor, Served As Priest For 60 Years,” Feb. 9).

Surrendering to Something More

If anything can be two different things at the same time, the Beatitudes, which we deal with this week in the Gospel from Luke, meet the criteria.