Lent Basics

By the time that you are reading this, the Holy Season of Lent has begun. Lent is a season of penitential preparation for the celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter. As we progress in this season, it might be good for us to recall that the Church prescribes three main ways for us to grow in our spiritual life during Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Here are some practical suggestions on how we can grow in these three disciplines this Lent:

Supporting The Tablet

Dear Editor: The current revision of the Tablet’s business model should not come as a surprise to anyone who follows the status of print media today. (Escalating costs, the challenge of digital media, etc.)

Depth and Deceit

Dear Editor: Devastation! (“Former Cardinal McCarrick Defrocked for Sexual Abuse,” Feb. 23) Reading of the depth of evil that invaded the Catholic Church with this and other like articles that have been posted and reported throughout recent times. The deceit of those we once followed has so deeply destructed this faith, it will take much […]

Women and the Church

Dear Editor: To people who feel that women have no place in the church as altar servers or lectors (“No Fan of Latin Mass,” Readers’ Forum, Feb. 19) and feel that this may have caused the dwindling attendance, might I suggest that the decline in attendance can also possible be caused by the change in demographics in the church.

Welcomed Into Heaven

Dear Editor: Monsignor Vázquez was a great priest (“Msgr. Vasquez Was Brooklyn Diocese’s First Hispanic Pastor,” Obituaries, Nov. 17).

Father ‘Rock’

Dear Editor: I have known Father ‘Rock’ my entire life (“St. John’s Priest Is a ‘Rock’ for Athletes,” Feb. 23).He is a true Christian. He walks the walk that Jesus preached.

Sister Francis Kress

Dear Editor: I believe she assisted in a mental health clinic in Greenpoint near St. Anthony’s during the 1970s (“Sister Francis Gerard Kress, C.S.J.,” Obituaries, Feb. 23).

One of God’s Angels

Dear Editor: You were truly one of God’s angels (“Sister Mary Kilian Sullivan, R.S.M.,” Obituaries, Feb. 11, 2015). As an adult it is easy to see all the love you had for your students.

A Very Sad Reality

Dear Editor: Priests are humans (“Diocese of Brooklyn Releases Names of Credibly Accused Clergy,” Feb. 23) Many Catholics have abandoned their religion because of this scandal. I feel that’s just a feeble excuse. I personally refuse to let the clergy stand in the way of my religion. If you truly believe in your religion then you would realize the clergy shouldn’t be the crutch for your abandoning your faith.