Pray for Seminarians

In a few weeks, seminarians will be returning from summer vacations, from retreats and from parishes. The seminary formation program usually takes at least seven years, consisting of two years of philosophy studies, four years of theological studies and, in many cases, a year of placement in a parish. The formation doesn’t include the years in which those young men may have attended a college-level seminary program or a high school seminary program.

Sister Mary Ellen Noone, C.S.J.

Sister Mary Ellen Noone, C.S.J., a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood, for 72 years died on May 23 at Maria Regina Residence, the sisters’ nursing home. Formerly Sister St. Matthew, she entered the Sisters of St. Joseph from Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish, Astoria.

Sister Marilyn Hartmann

Sister Marilyn Hartmann, C.S.J., a sister of St. Joseph, Brentwood, for 64 years, died in April at the Maria Regina Residence, the sisters’ nursing home.

Sister Germaine Campbell, O.S.U.

Sister Germaine Campbell, O.S.U., a member of the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk for 75 years, died on May 17. She was 93.

Patrick Morgan

Patrick Morgan, 61, of Belle Harbor, died July 5 at the age of 61 after a nine-year battle with leukemia.

Brother Alan Zodda, O.S.F.

Brother Alan Zodda, O.S.F. died August 2, 2019. Born Nicholas Zodda in the Bronx, he entered the Franciscan Brothers in February 1951 from Our Lady of Peace Parish, Lynbrook after having graduated from Valley Stream Central H.S.

The Dignity and Majesty of the Latin Mass

Dear Editor: One of the last bastions for meditation and contemplation is the Tridentine low Mass. The use of quiet before and during preserves the dignity and majesty.

“God Bless America” and “In God we Trust”

Dear Editor: The May 18, 2019 issue of the “The Tablet” contained an article with the caption “Pennsylvania Principal banned from saying ‘God Bless America.’” I guess those folks who want to disallow the use of this phrase also gave up the use of U.S. issued paper money!

The Gratuitous Ridicule of Animal Lovers

Dear Editor: The gratuitous ridicule of animal lovers discredits those expressing such disdain. Lately the Readers’ Forum has published letters that deplore those people who express love or deep concern for animals, whether this involves pets or ethical treatment, or, indeed the survival of diverse animal species.

A Far More Insidious Enemy

Dear Editor: The 75th Anniversary of D. Day has just passed, in which the nation acknowledged publicly the extreme sacrifice made by so many in ensuring the continuation of freedom and liberty. After the second World War, the United States severely cut back on Military, believing, mistakenly, that having nuclear weapons would be a deterrent to any who would be aggressive in the future.