In Defense of Bishop DiMarzio

Dear Editor:

It is very upsetting that someone, for whatever reason, chose to level such serious charges against Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio (“Bishop DiMarzio Vows Fight, Says He Will Be Vindicated,” Nov. 23). I have read and witnessed the outstanding work that the bishop has done for the Church.

Advent and Waiting On God’s Time

My wife and I are expecting our fifth child in February. It’s been six years since we had a newborn in the house, so there are some things we need to relearn about life with a baby. Most pressing perhaps is the role that technology will play in our family life when the new baby arrives.

The Three Comings of Christ During Advent

Advent is a time of waiting and expectation, and the violet color that priests wear at Mass during this liturgical season is a symbol of deep longing for the coming of Christ into our lives.

John the Baptist And Reconciliation

by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise

While traveling through Manhattan, I occasionally encounter someone oddly dressed and proclaiming the nearness of the Lord. My natural tendency, and that of most other pedestrians, is to avoid getting too close.

Around the Church Bells – Night of Worship at Regina Pacis

In a collaborative effort between the two parish youth groups from the Basilica of Regina Pacis and Most Precious Blood-Ss. Simon and Jude, a night dedicated for fellowship and Eucharistic Adoration was held at St. Joseph Chapel in Bensonhurst, Nov. 15.

Staying Ready For the Inevitable

by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise

One of the most popular games we played as children was hide-and-seek. The basic premise was simple: whoever was “it” had to cover his eyes and count while everyone else hid. His mission was to find everyone before they could return to home base and be safe. The warning signal to those in hiding was his post-counting battle cry, “Ready or not, here I come.”

Sister Mary Carmel DeSantis, R.S.M.

Sister Mary Carmel DeSantis, R.S.M., a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Mid-Atlantic Community for 71 years, died July 19 at the Mercy Center, Dallas, Pa. She was 95.

Sister Janet Lee, R.S.M.

Sister Janet Lee, R.S.M., a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Mid-Atlantic Community for 57 years, died Sept. 6 at Maria Regina Residence in Brentwood, L.I. She was 88.

Sister Grace Agate, R.S.M.

Sister Grace Agate, R.S.M., a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Mid-Atlantic Community for 53 years, died Oct. 14 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Savannah, Ga. She was 71.