Drawing Attention To a True Artist

For more than 40 years, Christmas at The Tablet meant only one thing — a John McAlinden illustration on the front-and-back page wraparound of the edition. Composed of thousands of individual names, the drawing would depict some piece of the story about the birth of Jesus. It might be a manger scene, or the visit of the Three Kings, or an angel blowing a trumpet.

Tablet’s Editor Emeritus Looks Back on Storied Career

Ed Wilkinson, the editor emeritus of The Tablet, is officially retiring on Sept. 21 — a date that has a special significance to him. It was on that date in 1970 that he started his career as a young, fresh-faced news reporter.

1918 Headlines Tell of Battle Against Spanish Flu

When Father Jorge Ortiz died March 27, it wasn’t the first time that death visited the Diocese of Brooklyn during a pandemic. A perusal of the headlines from the 1918 editions of The Tablet reveals that the Spanish Flu of that year hit the church here in unexpected and dramatic ways.

The Tablet Jr.: The Future of the Catholic Press

When The Tablet Jr. makes its debut in two weeks, students from our Catholic schools and academies will have a new platform to share their experiences and hopes with their classmates and their peers in Brooklyn and Queens. We at The Tablet want to read your stories in your voices.

The Tablet Jr.: Keeping the Tradition

I grew up in the Diocese of Brooklyn, and so I know that everyone knows The Tablet! It was used as a supplemental resource when I was a student. It was also a big part of my parish and Catholic tradition.

The Tablet Jr.: A Monthly Forum for Students to Explore Their Passion

The Tablet newspaper has been a part of the Diocese of Brooklyn’s lifeline since 1908. More than 110 years later, the diocesan newspaper will launch its first-ever monthly four-page pullout for young students in kindergarten through eighth grade called “The Tablet Jr.”