Sister Mary McKenna, C.S.J., a Sister of St. Joseph, Brentwood, L.I., for 80 years, died in St. Joseph’s Convent, on March 18.

She entered the congregation in 1936 from Our Lady of Sorrows, Corona. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English and science from St. John’s University, Jamaica, and two master’s degrees in English and theology, respectively.
She extended her education in the fields of linguistics and journalism with studies at Cornell University and New York University. She also published poetry in America magazine in 1942.
Formerly Sister Mary Philothea, she taught at St. Anthony of Padua, Greenpoint, 1937-38; Sacred Heart Seminary, Hempstead, L.I., 1938-41; St. Agnes, Carroll Gardens, 1941-42; St. Thomas Aquinas, Park Slope, 1942-44; St. Francis de Sales, Belle Harbor, 1944-49; St. Philip Neri, Northport, L.I., 1949, and St. Augustine, Park Slope, 1949-50.
She spent five years in Puerto Rico, teaching at the Academia San Jorge, 1950-51, and the Academia San Jose, 1951-55.
In 1955, she returned to the States and taught on the high school-level at Sacred Heart Academy H.S., Hempstead, until 1961; Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, 1961-65; Stella Maris H.S., Rockaway Park, 1965-67, and The Mary Louis Academy, Jamaica Estates, 1967-69.
She ministered in Diocesan Education TV, Brooklyn, 1969-77; as religious education director, St. Raymond, East Rockaway, 1977-80; Holy Family H.S., Huntington, L.I., 1980-84; and campus minister at St. Anthony H.S., Huntington, 1984-95. She then retired to Brentwood.
A Mass of Christian Burial took place in Sacred Heart Chapel, March 23. Interment followed in Calvary Cemetery, Brentwood.