A Disturbing Proposal

Dear Editor: I have contacted both Republican and Democrat senators and Legislative members about the wording in this bill (“Gov. Cuomo Vows to Pass Abortion Rights Bill,” The Tablet, Jan. 12). I am very disturbed about aborting a full term baby. I have asked for a copy of this bill.

The Immaculate Conception

Dear Editor: The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception celebrates that Mary, “Full of Grace,” through God was redeemed from Original Sin from the moment of her conception.

Remembering Father Zanon

Dear Editor: Father Zanon saved my life (“Father Zanon Served God, Country with Faithful Zeal,” The Tablet, October 2018).

A Victorian Christmas

Dear Editor: I have attended a Epiphany concert at our Lady of the Snows in Floral Park on Sunday January 6th at 3 p.m. I found it to be a most profound experience. It was billed with the title, “A Victorian Christmas.”

A Child Shall Lead Them

Dear Editor: As a child who had recently made my first confession, one Saturday the priest asked me what Christmas present I would want to give to Jesus. When I answered “pants,”this was met with complete silence from the priest’s side of the confessional!

What Would Mary Think?

Dear Editor: In response to Tony Rossi’s column “Growing in Holiness During Advent” (The Tablet, Dec. 1), he states that the Church asks us to look at ourselves in a way that is truthful, honest and can change us for the better.

Thank you, Bishop Cisneros

Dear Editor: Thanks to Bishop Cisneros (Brooklyn Diocese Helps Victims of Volcano of Fire, The Tablet, Jan. 9) and the Missionaries of the Risen Christ for their service to the poor and needy in Central America.

A Blatant Act of Tyranny

Dear Editor: This is a blatant act of tyranny by the imposition of this bill on the Constitution of New York State by Governor Cuomo

No Fan of Latin Mass

Dear Editor: I am 60 years old and have absolutely no memory – and therefore no fondness or nostalgia ­– of the Latin (Beautiful Missa Cantata, Readers’ Forum, Dec. 28 – Jan. 5).

Against Anti-Semitism

Dear Editor: Indeed, Bishop Caggiano is correct… (In Wake of Swastika Painting, Bishop Calls Anti-Semitism ‘Disgusting,’ Jan. 12 ) it is disgusting.