A Golden Opportunity

Dear Editor: Did bishops, priests and deacons miss a golden opportunity to speak about the horrific legislation passed legalizing late term abortions during their homilies on Sunday, February 3?

Women Voters

Dear Editor: When will the women voters realize that the Democratic Party and Mr. Cuomo are no friends of theirs or of the Catholic Church?

We Can Move Mountains

Dear Editor: Bishop DiMarzio, in his brilliant speech to the Cathedral Club (Put Out Into the Deep, Feb.16) calls elected official to be the voice of Christ in the halls of power and for us to support candidates who reflect good moral values.

The Igbo Community

Dear Editor: Thank you very much, on behalf of the Igbo community at St. Fortunata for the coverage(“Nigerians Celebrate Holy Family’s Flight,” March 2).

Does March for Life Work?

Dear Editor: I read with interest the letter of reader Carl Battista in the February 23, 2019 issue (Readers’ Forum, “A Modern-Day Herod”).

Controversial Renaming

Dear Editor: Let’s remember, Ormond Pl. was renamed Claver Pl. to honor and recognize St. Peter Claver’s devotion in ministry to the African slaves (“Bed-Stuy Parish Fights Street Naming for Controversial Figure,” Feb. 16).

The Fight Against Abortion

Dear Editor: How anyone can trust any decision made by any Senator who does not care enough to protect the lives of our most vulnerable citizens and is not wise enough to realize it is not the woman’s body?

Supporting The Tablet

Dear Editor: The current revision of the Tablet’s business model should not come as a surprise to anyone who follows the status of print media today. (Escalating costs, the challenge of digital media, etc.)

Depth and Deceit

Dear Editor: Devastation! (“Former Cardinal McCarrick Defrocked for Sexual Abuse,” Feb. 23) Reading of the depth of evil that invaded the Catholic Church with this and other like articles that have been posted and reported throughout recent times. The deceit of those we once followed has so deeply destructed this faith, it will take much […]

Women and the Church

Dear Editor: To people who feel that women have no place in the church as altar servers or lectors (“No Fan of Latin Mass,” Readers’ Forum, Feb. 19) and feel that this may have caused the dwindling attendance, might I suggest that the decline in attendance can also possible be caused by the change in demographics in the church.