Making Sense of Bioethics

Dear Editor: I recently searched the Tablet website for columns by Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk and was surprised to see that none have been printed since 2016. Considering all that New York is dealing with, we need the kind of clear teaching Father Pacholczyk provides in his columns.

Praying for Politicians

Dear Editor: During my years in grammar and high school, under the tutelage of the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, we all prayed for the conversion of Russia.

Women Theologians

Dear Editor: I’m so happy to hear about this event (“Theologian Panelists Discuss Women’s Influence On Church,” March 16). I wish I had known about it beforehand so that I could have attended. I’m encouraged to hear about this event, especially because I always feel a special connection to Brooklyn. It was the place where I was born and lived for my formative years.

An Excellent Article

Dear Editor: I just finished reading Antonina Zielinska’s article (Feb. 9) in the Brooklyn Tablet entitled “Doctor Questions When a Life No Longer Matters.” What an excellent summary of a very complicated matter. Somehow the contents in the article need to be more widely circulated. Myself and another priest run two parishes in Kenosha, Wis., in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Abortion Survivors Bill

Dear Editor: Great editorial (“What Kind of Society Allows This to Happen?,” March 2). Thank you for asking the question so eloquently.

We Should Pray

Dear Editor: In light of the recent extension of abortion procedures made legal by the dreadful leadership of Gov. Cuomo and the Democratic State government, Bishop DiMarzio makes a forceful case for not excommunicating Andrew Cuomo (Let’s Not Judge, Let’s Pray for Gov. Cuomo, Feb.2 ,2019).

Heart to Heart Ministry

Dear Editor: On Feb. 16th, a sunny and cold Saturday morning, Sister Ave Clark held her “Wonderful Women Retreat,” the first in her series of retreats to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her Heart to Heart Ministry.

This Heinous Bill

Dear Editor: The recent passing of the infanticide-friendly abortion law has an official name: “The Reproductive Health Act.” One might think, by its title, that it has something to do with reproduction (not killing), and the health and safety of both the mother and the baby.

A Steadfast Faith

Dear Editor: Deacon Franco’s steadfast faith despite his experience of abuse is inspiring (“A Moment of Grace, Affirmation and Vindication,” March 2).