Letters to the Editor

The Rights of the Unborn

Dear Editor: I am writing regarding the recent NYS abortion law.

I am a safety professional. I visit companies in NYC. The purpose is to assist them with their safety programs and to prevent future injuries.

In abortion law, the unborn fetus is not considered to be human. The fetus is treated as only a part of the mother’s body and not a person. Thus a mother has the right to remove an unwanted part of her body.

However in occupational safety, the fetus is seen as a separate and equal human life. Occupational hazards must consider both the health of the fetus and the mother. For instance, chemical exposure must evaluate possible harm to both mother and child.

This is because a developing fetus is often much more susceptible to harm than an adult.

Mother and child are treated as equals. The unborn child has the same legal rights and protections as does the mother, including the right to sue for damages. This is true even when only the child is harmed and there is no injury to the mother.

This is written into both OSHA and NIOSH regulations. NYS has similar occupational rules. These schizophrenic laws may need to be evaluated.


Howard Beach