Father Vincent Capodanno

Dear Editor: Are there extraordinary people who do wondrous deeds living in modern times or have all such individuals lived centuries ago in places far away? (“Movie Recalls Heroic Chaplaincy Of New York’s Father Capodanno, Nov. 2018”)

The Real Hypocrisy

Dear Editor: Kudos and right on with your As The Tablet Sees It, “A Path to Justice”, Feb. 23 piece. You put our less than illustrious governor right on the wall of “Anti-Catholic Shame on You.” I have been speaking and writing about this blatant, pre-meditated assault on Christ’s Church since the 90s when the abuse scandal first arose. Our entire Church was being framed and set-up and by a small, but driven group of anti-Catholic dregs and the bottom feeding main stream press and media trash.

Since Cain and Abel

Dear Editor: I may sound ‘doom and gloom’ but there has been scandal in the Church since the beginning (“Church Moving From ‘American Problem’ to American Solutions on Clergy Abuse,”March 2).

Our Best Instincts

Dear Editor: Kathleen Gallagher’s column (“Abortion Expansion Act Passes in New York,” Jan. 26) plainly states the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) was the brainchild of former Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Wow, I almost forgot about that old “champion of women.” His name and the legislation should have been publicly and inextricably linked. Not sure it would have changed the vote on the RHA, but it should have.

40 Days For Life

Dear Editor: I celebrate the Brooklyn Diocese for joining the 40 Days For Life, an internationally coordinated pro-life mobilization. Each day you can find prayers, devotions, an email subscription and podcasts for all Christians who are pro-life.

Not a Right But a Privilege

Dear Editor: Yes, a nation of legal immigration (“A Church of Immigrants,” March 23). To give non-documented individuals the rights we have as citizens, is to devalue our citizenship.

Catholic Schools

Dear Editor: Great column the challenges facing our Catholic elementary schools by Rita Piro (“Class Dismissed: Rethinking The Catholic School Model,” March 23). As a retired educator in the Diocese of Brooklyn, I always wanted to see our elementary schools be free, attached to parish life and supported by the Catholics of the Diocese.


Dear Editor: Well do I know the meaning of Non scholae sed vitae (“Readers’ Forum,” March 23), having proudly sent not one but two boys to the school which still calls itself Stanner High as well as Archbishop Molloy.

A Disgraceful Skit

Dear Editor: It has just come to my attention that cast member Pete Davidson of Saturday Night Live Update segment said, “If you support the Catholic Church, isn’t that the same thing as being a R. Kelly fan?” As a Catholic and as grand knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council # 5911 in Douglaston, I find this statement most appalling.