Vatican Delays Vote

Dear Editor: The question remains (Dolan: Even Without Vote, Discussing Abuse Protocols Still ‘Productive,’ The Tablet, Nov. 17) that if the Vatican’s only concern was to ensure that the best possible solution would be reached in a larger context than that of the U.S. Church alone, why did they wait until the eleventh hour to articulate their view and request that the vote be suspended?

Catholic Teachings

Dear Editor: A citizen who votes for a politician who seeks to oppress the poor for political or economic gain is violating Catholic teachings (Tom Byrnes, Politics and Abortion, Readers’ Forum, Nov. 17).

Catholics and Politics

Dear Editor: Tom Byrnes (Politics and Abortion, Readers’ Forum, Nov. 17) should realize that the millions of faithful Catholics across this great nation will only vote for the party that truly represents the real values of both the Church and Christ by putting the needs of the poor and working class over the needs of the ultra wealthy; providing healthcare access to all from birth to death, caring for a delicate environment, establishing a responsible immigration policy that respects human dignity and keeps families united; and respecting people from all religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.

We Held Our Noses to Vote

Dear Editor: It would be ideal if we the people can still vote for nice, decent candidates from either party who could represent our interests. Sadly, that time has long gone.

Pro-lifers of Jewish Faith

Dear Editor: As a pro-lifer of the Jewish faith, I say bravo to Tom Byrnes and Tori Grillo for their wonderfully inspiring letters in The Tablet Readers’ Forum (Politics and Abortion, Nov. 17) opposing the abortion and anti-life mentality.

Against Democracy

Dear Editor: Your newspaper publishes assorted letters in favor or against conservative and liberal positions. I believe there is no doubt which of the two main parties is conservative, and which, liberal or progressive.

Interfaith Service

Dear Editor: Thanks for providing us with this inspiring gathering (Brooklynites Find Unity, Hope at Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, The Tablet, Nov. 24).

Report: Saudi School Textbooks Promote ‘Intolerance’

WASHINGTON (CNS) – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said in a new report it finds there is “a troubling rise in intolerant content” in Saudi textbooks that promote “hatred and violence” against non-Muslims, women and gay men.

Stay Ready to Meet Jesus Face to Face

December 31, 1999 brought many speculations – Would computers crash throughout the world when the year turned to 2000? Was it going to be the end of the world? It came to be known as the Y2K crisis and caused more havoc than history proved necessary.