The Season of Hope

I am very happy that the season of advent has arrived. Each year advent offers me, and indeed all of us, an opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us to hope. I agree completely with St. John of the Cross, who reminded us that in the evening of our lives we will be judged on how we have loved.

Music to Inspire the Human Heart and Spirit

by Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari

“IT’S NOT THE news that any of us hoped that we would hear; it’s not the road we would have chosen.” These are the opening lines of Ellie Holcomb’s song “Find You Here.”

The New Liturgical Year – The Year of Saint Luke

Once again, we begin another liturgical year with this first Sunday of Advent. And with this new liturgical year, we begin reading again from another one of the four Evangelists as our primary guide in St. Luke’s Gospel.

Growing in Holiness During Advent

People can seem a little self-obsessed nowadays, with our endless selfies and social media posts. But during the season of Advent, the Church asks us to look at ourselves in a way that isn’t about vanity, in a way that’s truthful, honest and can change us for the better.

Cultural Catholics

Dear Editor: There are those who consider themselves Catholic for social, cultural, or political purposes, but who reject basic religious or moral catholic doctrines.

Terrorist Invaders?

Dear Editor: Recent articles regarding the caravans of illegal migrants present them as innocent women and children in eminent danger. Perhaps some are, but the facts indicate otherwise.

Illegal Alien, A Legal Term

Dear Editor: I am writing this letter in memory of my grandmother and in respect for my mother. Both my grandmother and mother came to the United States legally as immigrants. Each became a proud American citizen within five years.

About Catholic Novels

Dear Editor: As a retired high school English teacher, I am always intently focused on the weekly commentaries of Father Robert Lauder. His “Forming Conscience Thought Catholic Novels”(Nov. 10) brought back memories of my readings of Flannery O’Connor.