The Advent of Christmas

IN THE LINER notes of an album, musicians usually thank their colleagues, staff, and family for their talent and support. But on the back cover of Grammy nominee Matt Maher’s new record “The Advent of Christmas,” the singer-songwriter expresses an unusual sentiment of gratitude: “Thanks to the red cardinal that kept showing up during the making of this record.”

A Christmas Miracle, 37 Years in the Making

Looking at the old black-and-white photo before me, I regarded the five young smiling people positioned near the baptismal font. One gentleman is proudly holding a three-month-old baby boy swaddled in white, while a still-in-his-20s priest with dark hair and moustache stands beside him.  On the photo’s back is written the date and place: January 23, 1982. Blessed Sacrament Church, Jackson Heights, Queens.

A Big Day For Us

This week, we celebrate as a liturgical solemnity the Immaculate Conception. This is a key day for us, as Catholics, both as Americans and as members of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, because the Blessed Virgin is the patroness of the U.S. and patroness of the Brooklyn Diocese.

Make Time for God in This ‘Forgotten Season’

The holiday season is the most stressful time for many adults. During Advent, which is supposed to be a time for quiet reflection and preparation to celebrate the most momentous event in human history, most people are scurrying around shopping, decorating, cleaning and planning for family get togethers. Children are writing letters to dear old Santa Claus and visiting the jolly old guy in shopping malls.

We Can’t Afford It

Dear Editor: Free college education is very expensive. The overtaxed citizens of New York State cannot afford it. The government of New York is very generous spending our money to promote a socialistic agenda.

Sex, Gambling and The Internet, Vatican Tackles Dependencies

Representatives from the Vatican are joining forces with scientific experts to address the problem of drugs and a rise in what have been dubbed “new dependencies,” including addictions to sex, the internet and gambling.

‘Ten Cents a Copy!’

Dear Editor: I have some great memories of The Tablet back in the mid-1960s when I was attending St. Rose of Lima School, Parkville Ave., Brooklyn. Back then, the whole school had to attend Mass on Sunday at 9 a.m. Church was packed in those days.

Gun Control

Dear Editor: When will Americans stop submitting to the hypocrisy and foolishness of blaming violence on guns and not on its cause? (Gun Violence, Readers’ Forum, Nov. 17)