A Catholic Conscience

In an audience on Saturday, March 23, with over 1,000 school-age children from the Barbarigo Catholic School in Padua, Italy, Pope Francis, challenged the young students to find a point of reference when trying to make a decision.

40 Days For Life

Recently, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio announced that the Diocese of Brooklyn was joining the international 40 Days For Life campaign during the Lenten season. You can read all the details about the mission and the history of the campaign in its website: https://40daysforlife.com/

Non Scholae Sed Vitae

Dear Editor: “Not for school, but for Life,” is the motto of my alma mater Archbishop Molloy H.S., Briarwood. I graduated in 1973. Our state’s governor graduated in 1975. We both walked the same halls, but we must have heard different calls.

Making Sense of Bioethics

Dear Editor: I recently searched the Tablet website for columns by Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk and was surprised to see that none have been printed since 2016. Considering all that New York is dealing with, we need the kind of clear teaching Father Pacholczyk provides in his columns.

Praying for Politicians

Dear Editor: During my years in grammar and high school, under the tutelage of the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, we all prayed for the conversion of Russia.

Women Theologians

Dear Editor: I’m so happy to hear about this event (“Theologian Panelists Discuss Women’s Influence On Church,” March 16). I wish I had known about it beforehand so that I could have attended. I’m encouraged to hear about this event, especially because I always feel a special connection to Brooklyn. It was the place where I was born and lived for my formative years.

An Excellent Article

Dear Editor: I just finished reading Antonina Zielinska’s article (Feb. 9) in the Brooklyn Tablet entitled “Doctor Questions When a Life No Longer Matters.” What an excellent summary of a very complicated matter. Somehow the contents in the article need to be more widely circulated. Myself and another priest run two parishes in Kenosha, Wis., in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Prayers for the Cardinal

Last week, while presiding at the Stations of the Cross in his Co-Cathedral in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the Cardinal-Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Daniel DiNardo, who is also the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, suffered a stroke.

Violence in New Zealand

The violence that occurred in Christchurch, New Zealand, against worshippers in a mosque, orchestrated by an individual, a true domestic terrorist, who was a white supremacist, leaving behind a lengthy manifesto, was truly horrific.

The All-Powerful God Will Never Fail His People

One of the ways we can produce good fruit is by calling on the name of the Lord. In my own prayer, my most common way of referring to God is by saying “Lord.” “Lord, I adore you, Lord, I praise you, Lord, I worship you, Lord, I love you.”