‘Private’ Mass?

This past week, we have witnessed events that no one could possibly have imagined at the start of the week. There are, at the time of this writing, over 230,000 people in the world who have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

The Light of the Human Race

I didn’t get a driver’s license until after my ordination. Growing up in New York City, I never really needed one! On top of that, I couldn’t afford a car, whether new or “(less than) gently used.” I finally wound up with my own wheels when I was given the keys to a 1974 Volkswagen Beetle that its previous owner had abandoned.

Technology, Guardini And Self-Control

Insights of the great German theologian, Romano Guardini (1885-1968) to reflect on the advantages and dangers that technology can offer. Though many years ago I had read several of Guardini’s books and profited greatly from the insights in them, my current encounter with Guardini’s thought is through an essay about him, “Quiet Prophet of a Distracted Age” by Robert Dean Lurie in the Jesuit magazine, America (November 11, 2019).

Just Like Us

In each issue of Us Weekly, there is a spread titled “Stars: They’re Just Like Us!” featuring paparazzi photos of celebrities engaged in everyday activities: ordering a cup of coffee, taking their kids to the playground, loading groceries into their cars.

There Are Changes That Are Not Good

Dear Editor: I have to ask a question. I really hope that somebody can answer it for me. Simply put, are we Catholics a thing of the past, a dying breed?

Catholic Sisters Week In The United States

Dear Editor: March 8-14 is Catholic Sisters Week in the U.S. While the last 50 years has seen a dwindling number of religious vocations there is much hope for the future.