The True Star of Bethlehem

by Father Ronan Murphy

Mary is the true Star of Bethlehem or Christmas Star, because she is the one who leads us to Jesus. “Ad Jesus per Miriam’”(To Jesus through Mary).

Christmas Promises

Two days before Christmas in 1973, it was cold and beginning to snow when I set out from Great Lakes, Ill., at 6 a.m. to get home to my boys on Long Island. I was in the U.S. Navy then.

Look to Mary During Advent

With each passing year, Advent seems to be getting shorter. And yet that is not the case — we have all four Sundays of the Advent season. Perhaps it is the busyness of our lives that seems to make these sacred days of joyful preparation go by faster.

Bright Christmas Campaign At Mrs. Ray’s Class

Last week, I received a beautiful, early Christmas present. It came in the mail. The envelope contained a check and 24 letters for the Bright Christmas campaign. The first letter was written by Mrs. Janice Ray. It reads:

Why, When and How Did This Change Evolve?

Dear Editor: Sadly, the October 17th 2019 Pew Research findings, as reported in The Tablet (“Number of ‘Nones’ are Increasing in the U.S.,” Oct 26) seems to indicate religious identity is suffering a serious downturn in America. (Catholic, 23% to 20% from 2009 to 2019, while the reverse seems to be distressingly true: atheist, agnostic and/or nothing, the “Nones,” 17% to 26% during the same time frame).

Teachers’ Money to the Democratic Party

Dear Editor:

The public school teacher’s union (United Federation of Teachers) recently sent a form to retirees called the Pension Deduction Authorization Form. Retired teachers are asked to sign and return this form allowing the union to allocate a portion of the teacher’s pension check to Political Action.

My Support to Bishop DiMarzio

Dear Editor: I would like to offer my support for Bishop DiMarzio. I believe he is innocent (“Bishop DiMarzio Vows Fight, Says He Will Be Vindicated,” Nov. 23).