Bishops Back Trump on Transgender

The chairmen of two U.S. bishops’ committees praised President Donald Trump’s repeal of the Obama administration’s directive on transgender access to bathrooms.

Where’s the Order on Religious Freedom?

Talk of President Donald Trump possibly signing an executive order on religious freedom – which drew both criticism and praise – has been replaced with discussion about what happened to it and what a final version, if there is one, will look like.

Support of Catholic Issues

Dear Editor: In response to Rosemary Parker’s comments (Jan. 21) that she is “appalled” that Cardinal Dolan attended the Trump Inauguration, I would like to remind her that the candidate that she supported along with her union (United Federation of Teachers) was advocating policies that were in direct conflict with Catholic teaching.

Ridiculous Name-Calling

Dear Editor: Without any specifics, two recent letters make the same ridiculous claims about President Trump as the propagandistic media, calling him a fascist, a racist, a white supremacist, a supporter of Russian interventionist policies and a man who “compares” himself to Christ on an occasion of self-deprecating irony.

Get Priorities Straight

Dear Editor: I am amazed at the women who find President Trump unacceptable because he used trash talk several years ago.

Attending Inauguration

Dear Editor: I’m writing to say how appalled and disappointed I am that our Cardinal Dolan will be participating in Trump’s Inauguration.

Cardinal at Inauguration

Dear Editor: I am replying to Rosemary Parker (Jan. 21) who was disappointed with Cardinal Dolan’s participation in Mr. Trump’s Inauguration.

Trump Axes Funds for Abortion

President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order Jan. 23 reinstating the “Mexico City Policy,” which bans all foreign nongovernmental organizations receiving U.S. funds from performing or promoting abortion as a method of family planning in other countries.