Trump Orders Free Religious Expression

Many religious leaders viewed President Donald Trump’s executive order on religious freedom, which he signed in a White House Rose Garden ceremony May 4, as a step in the right direction.

Hope for the Future

Dear Editor: Your editorial, “Trump’s Choice” (March 11), underscores at least a symbolic victory as a result of last November’s presidential election. If the President’s opponent had won, do you think religious schools would have received the encouraging comments from the President and the Secretary of Education and the promise of some assistance for our religious schools?

Trump Steers Funding Away From PP’s Abortion Clinics

President Donald Trump signed a bill into law that allows states to redirect Title X family planning funding away from clinics performing abortions and to community clinics providing comprehensive health care for women and children.

Syrian Catholic Leaders Criticize Bombing by US

Two prominent Catholic leaders in Syria criticized the U.S. missile strikes against their nation, wondering why they occurred before investigations into the origins of chemical attacks reported April 4.

Wide Range of Opinions

Dear Editor: The Readers’ Forum of The Tablet is truly remarkable by its variety of voices and opinions. The Tablet easily wins in this regard when compared to so-called “mainstream media.”

Pray for President Trump

Dear Editor: With all the divisiveness and political antagonism in the country, surely we can all agree on one thing. We should all pray for President Trump, that God will bless him and guide him to make the best decisions and choices for our country.

No Changes for Now at US’s Vatican Embassy

Despite opposing views on some issues, the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See will still look for common ground on global issues, the interim leader of the embassy said.

Normalizing Trump

Dear Editor: I beg of you, please stop! As a regular reader of the Tablet, I find your attempts to normalize President Donald Trump to be disturbing. Case in point: your Feb. 25 editorial, filled with pietistic language, attempting to make some kind of moral equivalence between Trump and his press critics. All presidents had issues with the press. Some journalists have always been unscrupulous. That is routine.

Trump’s Choice

Last week, President Donald J. Trump visited St. Andrew’s Catholic School in the Diocese of Orlando, Fla. Accompanying him were Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and Governor Rick Scott. During his visit, the president told Bishop John Noonan, Orlando’s Ordinary, “You understand how much your students benefit from full education, one that enriches both the mind and the soul. That’s a good combination.”