Pope: Reckless to Prejudge Trump

As President Donald Trump was being sworn in, Pope Francis told an interviewer it would be “reckless” to pass judgment on the new president before he had a chance to do anything.

Inauguration Is Teachable Moment at Local Schools

Timing is everything. For students in Joe Russo’s government class at Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary, Elmhurst, it meant that on the last day before midterm exams and before the curriculum switched to economics, Donald J. Trump was sworn into office as the 45th President of the United States. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Academy, Dyker Heights, was one of many elementary schools viewing the inauguration. Each class watched in its classroom and enjoyed a dress down day with almost all the students wearing red, white and blue or other patriotic-themed clothing.

President-elect and Pope Are The Significant People of 2016

Two things – one political and the other ecclesiastical – tell the story of 2016. The election of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and Pope Francis’ issuance of “Amoris Laetitia” were the signature moments of the year. Both point to revolutionary moments in the history of the country and the Church.

Catholic Vote Mattered

Dear Editor: The legally elected President is Donald Trump. Sour grapes is not justification for accusatory rhetoric against Trump, his supporters, Republicans and Conservatives.

Give Trump a Chance

Presumption is a terrible thing. Many of us assume the worst in all situations. Many of us go into a situation assuming that everyone is against us, that the battle is lost and that the apocalypse is nigh. Such, perhaps, is the case that some are feeling concerning the forthcoming inauguration of Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America.

Woman Upset by Trump

Dear Editor: As a woman, having heard and seen how the U.S. president-elect considers and treats women (the most outrageous of his comments from a while ago as reported by CNN), I’d like to ask our religious leaders whether a Mass could be celebrated in all our dioceses in reparation for such demeaning words. They offend both women and men if for no other reason because also men are born from their mothers.

What Pro-Lifers Want From Trump Presidency

by Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, The last several years have clearly been challenging for the pro-life movement. The abortion industry, exposing its false rhetoric of choice, increasingly seeks to coerce Americans to be complicit with abortion, even insisting that abortion is a social good to be celebrated, subsidized and uncontrolled.

Reactions to Elections

Dear Editor: In regards to Patricia Kenney’s letter (Nov. 5), I beg to differ in all aspects.

Bishops Pledge To Work With New President

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., president of the U.S. bishops’ conference, outlined an ambitious agenda in a postelection statement that congratulated Trump and all election victors.