Pope Apologizes For Using ‘Homophobic’ Slang

Pope Francis “never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who were offended by the use of a term, reported by others,” that is considered vulgar in Italian, the Vatican press office said.

Pope Francis’ CBS Interview Addresses Women Deacons, War, Migrants, Climate Change and Hope

Pope Francis said he is not open to the possibility of ordaining women as deacons, weeks after authorizing several Vatican study groups to look into that issue and others as part of the Synod on Synodality — although “women have always had … the function of deaconesses without being deacons,” and that “making space in the church for women does not mean giving them a ministry.”

Arkansas Priest Credits Face Time with Pope Francis to Serving Immigrants

NEW YORK – When Father Joseph Friend had about 20 seconds to greet Pope Francis near the end of a recent retreat for parish priests in Rome, he spoke about the work he does with immigrants in his community, to which he said the pontiff replied, “Continue to work with the immigrant, continue to work with them and love them!”

Mayor Eric Adams Meets Pope Francis at Vatican

By The Tablet Staff PROSPECT HEIGHTS — On Saturday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. Adams was attending the second edition of the World Meeting on Human Fraternity, a conference at the Vatican organized by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation. Adams had an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican […]