Immigration – A New Testament Perspective

Last week, we looked at what Divine Revelation, as expressed in the Old Testament, had to say about migration and immigration. This week, we turn to the New Testament, primarily the Holy Gospels according to Saint Matthew and Saint Luke, to see how immigration is perceived.

Advocate of Immigrants

In his 1999 apostolic exhortation, “Ecclesia in America,” Pope Saint John Paul II, wrote: “It is appropriate to recall that the foundation on which all human rights rest is the dignity of the person. God’s masterpiece, man, is made in the divine image and likeness. Jesus took on our human nature, except for sin; he […]

The Immigration Conundrum

The issue of immigration reform has caught the attention of our country because of the unfortunate practice of separating children from their parents as they approach the border. Some of the people are seeking asylum or a safe haven escaping difficult situations in their home countries, especially violence and oppression. Others come seeking to improve their economic condition fleeing a life of poverty.

Seeking Common Sense in Immigration Debate

Dear Editor: I accept Bishop DiMarzio’s opinion in this matter and as Catholics we are grateful for his opinion – as Catholics! As Americans, we and our elected officials are responsible for dealing with an extraordinary situation on our border.

Can We Have a Rational Discussion About Immigration?

Since The Tablet did not publish an issue last weekend, the letters to the editor have been piling up on my desk. Most of them have dealt with one subject – the separation of families at the border between the United States and Mexico as we struggle with an influx of peoples wanting to enter the U.S.