Excommunicating Cuomo

Dear Editor: Excommunicating Governor Andrew Cuomo is exactly the response he wants from the Catholic Church. By announcing New York State is onboard, he singles himself out as a loyal ultraliberal member of his party and welcomes the attention he is receiving. Moral principles go out the window and are replaced by political ambition and a quest for power. Watch out, Governor.

Cuomo: Spin and Duplicity

Dear Editor: Gov. Cuomo, like most political hucksters, is a master of spin and duplicity who sadly, believes the vitriol and egocentric slight of hand and “religious hocus-pocus” which he pukes out in defense of murdering born and unborn babies. Shame on him and those who advise him, if anyone can do such a evil task.

Let Us Not Judge, Let Us Pray For Governor Cuomo

Recently, some in the Catholic community have called for the excommunication of Governor Andrew Cuomo and those Catholic members of the legislature who supported the change in the law to allow for the termination of a pregnancy up until the moment of birth.