Congratulations to Joanna Daly, Kate Harnett and Julia Bonanno of Girl Scout Troop 4-388 from St. Kevin Catholic Academy, Flushing. These eighth-grade girls recently received Silver Awards – the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. Under the direction of Scout leader Rosanne Daly, these Cadettes played a significant role in computerizing St. Kevin Catholic Academy’s libraries. Over 9,000 books had to transition from the card catalog to bar codes. The girls also were part of a school/parish book drive and used those books to create a new kindergarten library.
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Ready to Serve at St. Mel’s

St. Mel’s Church, Flushing, is proud to have 20 new altar servers. Parochial vicar, Father JunHee Lee, installed the boys and girls on March 1.
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Have you ever walked, jogged, bicycled or skipped along the Vanderbilt Motor Parkway?
Well, here’s your chance to give back: The Father John J. Murray Knights of Columbus Council at American Martyrs, Bayside, and the N.Y.C. Partnership for Parks are sponsoring a Greenway Clean-way Day, April 18 at 9 a.m. Garbage bags and gloves will be provided. Community service letters will be provided to youth upon request.
For meeting points and further details, email kofc14666fm@gmail.com.
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Fresh from spreading the Good News in the Carolinas and Florida, Al Barbarino is back and conducting an Easter Mission at St. Patrick, Bay Ridge. He’ll sing and speak at the April 18-19 weekend Masses and then share his message of love, mercy and concern for the poor over three days, April 20-22 at 4 p.m. in the church. The mission is free and all are welcome.
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Holy Trinity parish, Whitestone, is gearing up for its 50th anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving and Gala Dinner Dance, May 24. That day, Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m., followed by the gala at The Palazzo at Marina del Rey, Throngs Neck.
Tickets are $125 and include dinner and live music by Alive ’n’ Kickin.
Reservations will be taken through May 1. Call 718-746-7730 or visit www.holytrinityrcparish.org.
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Two Cursillo retreats are coming up in the next few weeks. A Men’s Cursillo is scheduled for April 30-May 3 at St. Josaphat Retreat House, Glen Cove, L.I. For registration and full details, email Rich Grillo at SaRi77@aol.com.
And a Women’s Cursillo weekend is planned for May 14-17. For more information, contact Beth Barker, 631-831-6074 or beth1160@optonline.net.
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Attention mystery fans, the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk are hosting a “Murder Mystery Night at the Convent,” April 25 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Ursula Center, Blue Point, N.Y.
Enjoy an interactive performance, hors d’oeuvres, dessert and raffles. Tickets are $30 per person, age 21 and over only. Event benefits the Ursuline Sisters.
To reserve your seat, call 631-363-2422 ext. 2060 or send an email to info@tildonkursuline.org.
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Sister Ave Clark, O.P., will present “Celebrate Life: A Retreat for People with Special Needs and Their Compassionate Caregivers,” on April 19, 12:30-6 p.m. at St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Jamaica.
The gathering will be held in Tolentine Hall, which is accessible. The afternoon will include a free light lunch, a presentation and discussion, music, confession and Mass. Contact Susan Butler at 718-544-1675 or suvsuska@yahoo.com.