Letters to the Editor

School Choice

Dear Editor: Reader Gerald De Maio writes about school choice and the recent outrage by many since there is a lack of minority students (blacks and Hispanics) in the city’s specialized high schools (“A Catholic Solution,”Letters to the Editor, May 4). While Gerard’s letter is accurate, he fails to mention the dirty little secret that our politicians or the liberal media don’t want to touch. If you interviewed the seven African American students who were admitted to Stuyvesant High School and other successful minorities, I would bet that most of them have a stable family life including a two parent household. When the statistics of born out of wedlock children is brought up, people stating the facts are criticized as being judgmental.

I concur with Gerard’s position on school vouchers. As a Catholic who is saddened by the closing of more and more Catholic parochial schools, vouchers may is one of the ways to curtail this scourge and give choice to minorities stuck in the NYC school system. Unfortunately many voters in New York City go to the polls they just look for the politicians with a D after their name and fail to realize that these are the politicians who are killing their child’s opportunity for school choice and a better chance of success.


Glendale, NY