Letters to the Editor

Persecuted Christians

Dear Editor: The seemingly “new” assault, the depraved torture and mass murder of Christians and Catholics in particular, in places like Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Syria, Iraq, etc., are not really new, but in some instances, date back to Jesus’ earthly journey and institution of His Church (“Easter Attacks on Churches in Sri Lanka Are Tragic, but Hardly Surprising,” April 27).

He was falsely convicted and sentenced to a tortuous death – his barbarous condemnation and crucifixion. The persecution continued with the martyrdom of His Apostles, disciples and followers. There was no meaningful reporting of these crimes other than His Apostles and followers, many under the penalty of imprisonment or death.

This has changed little in contemporary, secular media outlets. Some might, rightfully ask, “why?” Perhaps, because they simply, do not care about Catholics and Christians, who are victims of virulent anti-Catholic hate-mongers and mass murders. This is further motivated by a serious lack of interest, human compassion, basic creditable moral and ethical values or responsibility by most of the seriously and often vengeful anti-Catholic secular media owners, editors or staff. Shame on them.

Pray for our brothers and sisters who are so callously and infamously slaughtered, often without a drop of compassion. Peace,


Breezy Point