March for All Lives

Dear Editor: It was inspiring to see the number of schools and students in the diocese that took time to take a stand on the issue of guns and the recent March for Our Lives (March 24). Violence against people of all ages, but especially those in school, certainly needs to be addressed head on.

No Love for Democrats

Dear Editor: Reader Lawrence Lancucki (March 24) spells out substantially why it is wrong for a Catholic to support the Democratic Party. I came to the same conclusion about 40 years ago.

Good Friday Coincidence?

Dear Editor: Why Good Friday is Good! While I was a chaplain at Ground Zero at the World Trade Center, I was permitted to hold an on-site version of the Stations of the Cross by the iconic Ground Zero Cross.

Fr. Dagoberto’s Legacy

Dear Editor: “Next week will be spring,” my friend replied after I complained that society is upside down. He said the lack of light makes people irrational. In that week I had been pushed, screamed at and threatened on the subways and buses – but that’s a letter to a different paper.

Guns and Politics

Dear Editor: It’s not surprising to find conventional liberal talking points in letters lamenting the Parkland tragedy that distort rather than provide a Christian perspective.

Words Still Ring True

Dear Editor: The Tablet (March 10) brought the very happy news that Blessed Pope Paul VI will be a declared a saint in late October. It brought back such great memories of his one-day visit to New York City to address the United Nations in early October 1965

Distinctions on Immigration

Dear Editor: Addressing my previous letter, Edith Newman says we accomplish nothing by vilifying people who are fleeing terror and we should monitor our own attitudes and the adherence to moral principles by our government.

Values of Catholic Voters

Dear Editor: The discourse in The Tablet over the last year has been somewhat perplexing. We have a President in Donald Trump, who is squarely on the side of the pro-life movement, always uses faith and God in his speeches, and seeks to protect and serve the citizens of the U.S. 

Focus on Forgiveness

Dear Editor: As Lent is a period of reflection, sacrifice, and for many, renewing ties to their Christian faith, the theme of forgiveness has been the focus of many discussions in the faith-sharing group which I attend at Sacred Heart parish in Bayside.

Congress Must Act on Guns

Dear Editor: There is absolutely no logical reason for any gun shop or gun show to be selling major assault weapons. The only people who should have those weapons legally are law enforcement and our military.