Beauty of the Organ

Dear Editor: Roseanne Cleary (“Funeral vs Funereal,” April 7) writes: “…heavy, plodding dirges from antiquated church organs that threatened to suck the very air from our souls.” She seems to overlook the fact that the organ is still the official musical instrument of the Church.

Purpose of a Funeral

I take exception to the tone of RoseAnne Cleary’s letter (April 7) concerning the Catholic funeral Mass.

Democrats vs. Catholics

Your article “Cardinal Dolan: Democrats Abandon Catholic Values” (March 31) states that the good Cardinal wrote in the Wall Street Journal that he was saddened Democrats were attacking Catholics and their faith. Why? He must have known the Democratic Party has pushed a culture of death (abortion) that has resulted in the deaths of millions and millions of babies. While every Sunday, Catholic pulpits have been silent!

Senseless Murder

God bless Father Dagoberto Noguera. I will pray for him. We have lost another priest in another senseless violent act, but God has another angel, and at such a price.

First-Grade Teacher

Sister Marymel (Sister Patricia Dolores Wagner, O.P., Obituary, Jan. 6) was my first-grade teacher and I remember her as creative in the classroom and endlessly kind to me as I cried my way through every day of that first school year.

Faith vs. Politics

In response to Robert J. Tillman’s letter (April 7), attempting to defend America’s president as a Christian is rather fruitless. That might explain why many, Cardinal Dolan included, are now specifically and particularly vociferously targeting the Democratic Party as the persecutors of Christian faith.

Remembering Edith Stein

At St. Finbar parish in Bath Beach years back, an Edith Stein Guild director spoke of her extensive writings on the nature of women and their professional role in modern society which have application to today.

It’s Time to Be Heard

The slap on the face was once an action that those being prepared for Confirmation were alerted to. I paged through the Catechism of the Catholic Church but could not find much mention of it. As part of the preparation for Confirmation, we were informed that we might have to suffer in our defense of the Church.

Funeral vs. Funereal

Dear Editor: While there always seem to be ongoing debates and dissents regarding liturgy, I wish to give our diocese credit where it is outstandingly due.

A Loss to Richmond Hill

Dear Editor: In furtherance to the short obituary of Anton Dietrich (Feb. 24), may I add a few thoughts?