Letters to the Editor

Democrats vs. Catholics

Dear Editor: Your article “Cardinal Dolan: Democrats Abandon Catholic Values” (March 31) states that the good Cardinal wrote in the Wall Street Journal that he was saddened Democrats were attacking Catholics and their faith. Why? He must have known the Democratic Party has pushed a culture of death (abortion) that has resulted in the deaths of millions and millions of babies. While every Sunday, Catholic pulpits have been silent!

Cardinal Dolan admitted his grandmother whispered to him, “We Catholics don’t trust those Republicans.”

From the very beginning of the debate about “abortion,” it was the Republicans who supported the life of babies in the womb. And, it was the Democratic Party and their presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, that supported Planned Parenthood and their culture of death.

I’m deeply troubled and disappointed with Cardinal Dolan, for taking these many years to figure it out – Republicans are the good guys!

Ed Moffitt

East Flatbush

Editor’s Note: Instead of being troubled, let’s rejoice that Cardinal Dolan said what he said.


One thought on “Democrats vs. Catholics

  1. Republicans are the good guys?? In what world have you been living in for the past several decades? While the Democratic Party has tried to make conditions better for people in this country, the Republicans have only been interested in helping the rich and hurting those who need assistance. While the Editor of the Tablet wishes to “Rejoice” at what Cardinal Dolan said, I wonder what the editor and the cardinal think of this administrations new policy to keep pregnant immigrant women in unsanitary detention camps, sometimes indefinitely. I am pretty sure that if President Obama had been doing that, the Tablet would have had the story on the front page. .