Remembering Our Priests

Dear Editor: I would like to thank Msgr. Steven Ferrari and the staff of The Tablet for the lovely article (May 17) about my great uncle, Msgr. Eugene Feldhaus, and Bishop Rene Valero (“Remembering ‘Glory’ Years Of Two Great B’klyn Priests”).

A Tale of Two Marches

We had a march for life, a pro-life event, and we had a march for our lives, a gun control event. Two worthy goals but the events did not get the same attention.

Tablet – Tool of Education

For more than 20 years, I have been reading The Tablet, a great newspaper… first, to learn English and second, to learn about my Catholic faith and what it means to be a diocese and how to move in a city like Brooklyn and Queens.

Shake Up the Comfortable

Do not let your hearts be troubled, says the Lord, but these words can also be disturbing to our peace of mind. Listening to the Sunday readings (May 6), it was striking to hear that the Apostles and disciples were beginning to shed their crippling fear, as they began to transcend their comfort zone and bring Christ’s words to those beyond the confines of their Jewish community. They were fulfilling His commandment, Love Thy Neighbor, even if these people are strangers and Gentiles.

Upset by School Merger

After reading the recent Tablet article (May 12) regarding the merger of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Academy and Queen of All Saints Catholic Academy, I noticed some omissions and a good amount of information that did not accurately reflect the process. I have included some things I composed for our alumni explaining the situation.

Debating Plowshares’ Tactics

Dear Editor: In the past few weeks, you have covered some very important stories related to nuclear weapons for which I thank you. The first reported on Sister Megan Rice and the film in which she is featured, “The Nuns, The Priests, and the Bomb.”

Plowshares Follow Up

Dear Editor: I thank The Tablet for allowing a critique of its recent coverage of the Plowshare Movement. I also appreciate the editor’s note in clarifying that the Church’s Magisterium takes no stance on the wisdom of the Movement’s tactics, namely, the trespassing and defacing of government property as a means to abolish nuclear weapons and war.

Taken to Task for Plowshares

Dear Editor: I read with great interest the letter from Dennis Torre in which he took you to task for merely reporting the Kings Bay Plowshares action. Apparently he was seeking a more condemnatory note, which I feel sure on a variety of other topics he would categorize as “fake news.”

Church Social Doctrine

The conflict of visions between idealists and realists is difficult to understand. Should we judge intentions or results?

The Faces of Evil

Dear Editor: In response to your April 28 editorial, Satan is alive and well!