All the Marvelous Work

Dear Editor: Msgr. Vazquez was our first parish priest to honestly connect with our Hispanic parish community (“Msgr. Vazquez Was Brooklyn Diocese’s First Hispanic Pastor,” The Tablet, Nov. 17). Even though my Dad spoke English, mom was always shy, but when Msgr. Perfecto visited she really participated in the conversation with our special priest, Father Vazquez.

In Defense of Weigel

Dear Editor: George Weigel has been unfairly maligned because of his sharp, insightful, informed, honest and brave appraisal of the goings-on among the Vatican and U.S. bishops.

Reconciliation Monday

Dear Editor: I am sorry to say that I just came from a parish in Astoria, where there was no priest available to hear confession today (The Power of Forgiveness, The Tablet, Dec. 15).

Fake News

Dear Editor: And I suppose you get your news from “fake news” CNN or MSBC? (“We Held Our Noses to Vote, Readers’ Forum, Nov. 29). But I actually read the news about Trump and the so-called lie of Trump mocking of the disabled reporters from a Catholic site.

A Solution To Scandals

Dear Editor: Apparently, many lay Catholics and bishops felt slighted by Rome’s intervention which stopped United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USSCB) vote on local remedies to sex scandals in their scheduled meeting of November 2018. (“Vatican Asks US Bishops for Delay in Responding to Sex Abuse Crisis,” The Tablet, Nov. 17). 

Advent – Living the Faith

Dear Editor: During Advent, we are told to prepare for the coming of the Lord and not to let that day overtake us by surprise. I just heard a homily where the celebrant mentioned everything from trimming trees, shopping, preparing meals, being kind to one another and living the Faith in order to prepare for the Lord’s coming.

Laywoman to Lead Parish

Dear Editor: Congratulations to Dr. Sauers! (“Connecticut Bishop Appoints Laywoman to Lead Parish,” The Tablet,

A Slight Element of Racism

Dear Editor: Thank you, Bishop DiMarzio for the listening session at Holy Family parish (“Listening Session Addresses ‘Original Sin of America,’” The Tablet, Dec. 15). It was great to discuss such an important issue that still permeates our Church. It was truly great to see that there were so many other people, not just in my parish, but many other parishes who also shared the same concerns as well.

‘Old’ St. John’s

Dear Editor: An inspiring description of days gone by (The ‘Old’ St. John’s Prep, The Tablet, June, 2017); it certainly brings back memories. I graduated the year after you , God bless.

St. Catherine’s Nurses

Dear Editor: I’m a 1965 Grad. (‘Reuniting St. Catherine’s Nurses One Last Time,’ The Tablet, Sept. 29) I am organizing a Nurses’ Honor Guard in Havre, Montana and thinking about my days at St. Catherine’s. They were so special!