A Wonderful Person

Dear Editor: I will always remember this wonderful individual (“Sister Mary Bertram, O.P.,” Obituaries, June, 2018). She was my 8th grade teacher at St. Catherine of Sienna, Franklin Square in 1972.

Another Great Event

Dear Editor: Another great event organized by John Bonanno (“Former Jets Kickoff Flag Football Season,” April 6)!

Abortion and Politics

Dear Editor: Vote Democratic – kill babies! Sound a bit harsh? But it’s the truth isn’t it? Look at the officials that the anti-Trump voters elected into office. Now we have Democratic representatives who have no difficulty slaughtering a child that survives an abortion. Those are the facts plain and simple. I wonder how many […]

Proud of Peter Damour

Dear Editor: This young man graduated from Saint Francis Xavier School (“Catholic Youth Minister Leads Teens Closer To Christ,” March 23). We are so very proud of his accomplishments!

Women’s Voices

Dear Editor: In early May, twenty ladies gathered together in the home of Sister Ave Clark to be part of a listening discussion on “Celebrating Women’s Voices” lead by Dr. Gloria Durka. Dr. Durka taught Theology at Fordham University for 34 years.

See? There Is a God

Dear Editor: I enjoyed reading Msgr. Robert Pawson’s beautiful story, his fifty year journey must have been so rewarding and a life for filling adventure (“Reflecting on 50 Years Of Being a Priest,”May 2016 ).

God Bless America

Dear Editor: ‘God Bless America’ I always thought was a paean to the wonders of America and Kate Smith was a great patriotic entertainer who was dedicated to our soldiers at war.

Evolution and St. Augustine

Dear Editor: The concept of evolution sits well with St. Augustine’s interpretation of creation but he would have treated the proposition of ‘natural selection as an impersonal force reacting only to physical circumstance of random mutations, merely to perpetuate biological life in whatever form it happens to take’ as a heresy.

School Choice

Dear Editor: Reader Gerald De Maio writes about school choice and the recent outrage by many since there is a lack of minority students (blacks and Hispanics) in the city’s specialized high schools (“A Catholic Solution,”Letters to the Editor, May 4). While Gerard’s letter is accurate, he fails to mention the dirty little secret that our politicians or the liberal media don’t want to touch.

Persecuted Christians

Dear Editor: The seemingly “new” assault, the depraved torture and mass murder of Christians and Catholics in particular, in places like Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Syria, Iraq, etc., are not really new, but in some instances, date back to Jesus’ earthly journey and institution of His Church (“Easter Attacks on Churches in Sri Lanka Are Tragic, but Hardly Surprising,” April 27).