Dear Editor: It’s my pleasure to know Catherine Donohoe and appreciate how hard she and the others work at Bridge to Life. The rewards come in different ways. In selfless ways. The way God intended.
Letters to the Editor
We welcome letters to the Readers’ Forum, but they must include (for verification purposes) the writer’s full name, home address and phone numbers. Letters with incomplete information won’t be considered for publication. Your name may be withheld upon request, after verification is completed. Letters signed simply “Name Withheld” are not considered for print. Letters should be as brief as possible, and, of course, all letters are subject to editing. Letters containing the proviso “Do Not Edit” also are not considered. You can submit your letter by clicking the button below.
Who Should Pay for the Mother Cabrini Statue?
Dear Editor: I plan to be there for the procession on Oct. 6th (“Mother Cabrini, a Heroine Who Should Be Recognized,” Sept. 28). My only regret is thinking that we have to raise the funds for such, when the “She Built NYC” committee has $10,000,000 set aside for such statues in our City.
October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Dear Editor: October is Breast Cancer awareness month and it is a reminder for all of us to do something. Throughout the month of October, women are encouraged to make mammography appointments. In rare cases, men can also come down with breast cancer.
Only Priests Should Wear Roman Collars
Dear Editor: While I applaud Deacon Ritchie for his service and time he devotes to our Roman Catholic Church, I would like to share some pros and cons to the wearing of a “priest collar” (“Permanent Deacons and Clergy Apparel,” Readers’ Forum, Sept 21).
About the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants
Dear Editor: Again thanks to Allyson Escobar for covering Pro-life activities in the diocese. The work of The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants oftentimes goes unnoticed. They are true pro-life champions. The Helpers are dedicated to the cause of life.
Poverty is Relative, Based on Comparison
Dear Editor: There is no doubt that poverty exists and that there are many many poor people in the US and the world. Christ said, “The poor will be with you always.”
The Best Summary of our Religion
Dear Editor: The last paragraph of Fr. Lauder’s review of Bishop Barron’s Letter to a suffering Church (“Mystery of the Church,” Sept. 14) is the best capsule summary I hope to remember whenever anyone challenges our religion:
Mother Cabrini, A Great Example We Need
Dear Editor: Thank you for promoting Mother Cabrini to be honored by erecting her statue in New York. She did receive the most votes and is a great example we need in these troubled times in our world. Let’s all pray to her for protection and peace.
Like Fine Wine, it Gets Better With Age
Dear Editor: In Maureen Pratt’s article (“What’s in a Number?,” Sept. 7), the author stated that there are more resources for persons who are aging to stay active and explore new interests. I felt compelled to respond because, as Catholics we need to be less vague about how we should be staying active and state some examples on how to explore new avenues for aging lay and religious people.
Sisters of Mercy in Defense of Mother Cabrini
In a letter to the editor of The Tablet, the Sisters of Mercy display a united front in the defense and recognition of Mother Cabrini, the patroness of immigrants.