Teachers’ Money to the Democratic Party

Dear Editor:

The public school teacher’s union (United Federation of Teachers) recently sent a form to retirees called the Pension Deduction Authorization Form. Retired teachers are asked to sign and return this form allowing the union to allocate a portion of the teacher’s pension check to Political Action.

My Support to Bishop DiMarzio

Dear Editor: I would like to offer my support for Bishop DiMarzio. I believe he is innocent (“Bishop DiMarzio Vows Fight, Says He Will Be Vindicated,” Nov. 23).

In Defense of Bishop DiMarzio

Dear Editor:

It is very upsetting that someone, for whatever reason, chose to level such serious charges against Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio (“Bishop DiMarzio Vows Fight, Says He Will Be Vindicated,” Nov. 23). I have read and witnessed the outstanding work that the bishop has done for the Church.

The Struggle Faced by Many Veterans

The Tablet (Nov. 9) has several articles dealing with veterans and the country’s collective debt to them. According to Pentagon and House Committee on Oversight and Reform data, our debt is huge. More than 45,000 veterans and active-duty military — averaging 20 deaths a day — have killed themselves in the past six years.

She Built NYC: Catholic Religious Sisters

In the She Built NYC initiative to honor women of historical significance, it should be known that Roman Catholic religious sisters have had a significant impact upon the life of New York City for over 200 years beginning with St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, Foundress of the Sisters of Charity.

A Cyberspace Battle Saves A Life

Dear Editor: Very recently I witnessed a battle in the ongoing spiritual warfare being fought at an abortion mill, by way of iPhone text messaging and sidewalk praying. It seemed like a lost cause.

The Important Role of Mother Cabrini

Dear Editor: As an immigrant, I recognize the important role Mother Cabrini played in the life of immigrants from all nations. How can the administration in City Hall on one hand welcome all immigrants, regardless of documentation and with the other refuse to honor an immigrant who did do much for others?

Climate Change, Global Warming and Politics

Dear Editor: Many Christian conservatives are surprised that some Catholic schools marched against “climate change,” which was first called “global warming” (“Students Rally for Climate Change,” Sept. 28). I also remember reading about the “global cooling” of the 1970’s. In addition, I remember reading that NYC would be “under water in 2015.”

When Did We Stop Being Kind?

Dear Editor: I think the ‘Start with Hello’ program (“Our Lady of Grace is some ‘kind’ of school,” Sept. 14) is spot on and I know other Catholic schools are implementing similar programs.

The Tragic Death of Police Officer Brian Mulkeen

Dear Editor: New information has come out from the NYPD police commissioner. Officer Brian Mulkeen was killed by friendly fire during a fight with Antonio Lavance Williams who tried to take his gun.