Letters to the Editor, Week of Nov. 7, 2020

Remembering the Young Whitey Ford; The Coronavirus Turns out To Be Very Political; Ministering in the Example of the Good Shepherd; Those Without Voices Are The Least Protected; The Diocese of Brooklyn Should Not Give Up; The Love and Compassion Our Lady Represents.

Letters to the Editor, Week of October 31, 2020

We Need to Educate and Reaffirm What we Know; Just Pretend his Name Is “John Smith”; We are all Children of God And Deserve His Love; The Struggles of People Who Want to Live Better; Our Right to Attend Mass Must be Defended; Judges’ Decisions Against The Diocese of Brooklyn Were Biased; And for this Came I Into The World.

Letters to the Editor, Week of October 24, 2020

The Bishop Has Every Reason to Be Indignant; Until we Have a Proven Vaccine and Treatment; The Future of our Republic Is in the Hands of Voters; Are you Better off Than You Were Four Years ago?; Above Immigration, the Poor and Economic Justice; Bernier’s Column Is a Breath of Fresh Air.

Letters to the Editor, Week of October 17, 2020

Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholicism; There Are Many Pro-Life Issues to Consider; Kudos to Gov. Cuomo for Honoring Mother Cabrini; Civil Wedding Rings and The Sacrament of Marriage; For Too Long, We Have Remained Silent.

Letters to the Editor, Week of October 10, 2020

This Election Is Crucial to The Future of our Country; Msgr. John P. Harrington, Truly a Man of Faith; A Gleaming Example of an Inspirational Priest; Pray for all Affected by The Coronavirus.

Letters to the Editor, Week of October 3, 2020

Integrity, Humility and Love of God and Country; An Invaluable Asset to the Supreme Court; The Defense of Life and its Preeminent Place; Voting Is not a Single-Issue Matter.

Letters to the Editor, Week of September 26, 2020

A Country That Allows Abortion Has No Soul; President Trump and the Environment; Innocent Until Proven Guilty in a Court of Law; License to Abort at any Time and for any Reason; Father Lauder Hits the Mark Again.

Letters to the Editor, Week of September 12, 2020

Legitimate cry for Justice Descends Into Vandalism; Baseball Will Remember Tom Seaver for all Time; Racial Injustice, a Blight On our Nation’s History; Is this the Right Way to Fight Against Injustice?

Letters to the Editor, Week of September 5, 2020

What Does it Mean to be ‘Religious’?; Catholic Voters Are Obliged to Vote Pro-life; The Pew Research Poll About President Trump’s Religiosity; The Wide Spectrum of Issues at Stake.