We Are the Light Of the World

by Father Alonzo Cox

I am blessed at my parish to have the Missionaries of Charity living in the convent next to the rectory.

Something About Holiness

Just about everyone I have spoken with who has seen the film “A Hidden Life” mentions how the film disturbed their conscience. Watching the story of a man, the Austrian farmer, Franz Jagerstatter, who during the Second World War refused to sign an oath of loyalty to Hitler and so eventually died a martyr, moves viewers to wonder what they would do if they were in his situation.

Giving the Healing

by Father John J. O’Connor, VF, SLL

Annually, on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Church celebrates the World Day of the Sick. It is a day first instituted by John St. Paul II in 1993 to raise awareness for those who are sick among us and to offer them the healing grace of Christ’s redemptive work.

Talking About God and Grief With Children

February is a tough month for our family, bringing the anniversaries of our twins’ deaths. Each year I find myself answering hard questions from our sons about their sisters. Why did they die? Where are they now? Will I get to see them again?

Kobe Doesn’t Deserve the Icon Treatment

Dear Editor: Koby Bryant did not deserve a story in The Tablet. He not only raped a young girl, he savagely raped her like an animal and beat her. He does not deserve to be treated as an icon. Sad to say The Tablet printed this story glorifying him.

Which Democratic Candidate Is Pro-life?

Dear Editor: Two sisters in the congregation of the Humility of Mary are staunch supporters of anyone but Trump (“Iowa Catholics Weigh Choices,” Jan. 25). Sister Elaine closed with, “I’ve gone all the way around the circle and I don’t know where I am right now.” She is surely in the “wrong circle.”

The President on the Front Page

Dear Editor: I was amazed to see the picture of President Trump on the cover of the February 1 edition of The Tablet.

Taking Precautions During Flu Season

With the flu season now in full effect around the world,  we should consider the seriousness of the situation and act accordingly. People, especially the most vulnerable, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems, are in grave danger.

Now, Master, You May Let Your Servant Go in Peace

by Father Alonzo Cox

Over the almost ten years of my priesthood, I have had the opportunity to share in the happiness and joy with parents who have announced the birth of a child. I have been blessed to see the excitement on the faces of parents when their child is born. It’s a beautiful moment to see parents hold their child for the first time, as tears of joy roll from their eyes.