An Invitation to Find Out More

THE WEEKEND after the feast of the Epiphany takes us back to Ordinary Time and the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. Change can be a challenging experience for many people, which is why this week’s Scripture reflection is appropriate shortly after our celebration of the new calendar year.

The Question That Changed Everything

“WHAT DO YOU want to be when you grow up?” In grammar school, that was always one of my favorite questions to answer. I would love to say that when I grow up, I want to be a professional baseball player – and play for the New York Yankees!

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: I would like to thank you and the kind and generous readers of The Tablet for their donations to the Bright Christmas Fund.

Changing Words of Prayers

Dear Editor: I have personally known five convicted murderers and interviewed hundreds of other criminals, but I do not believe I have ever encountered more appalling and shallow reasoning than the letter advising that we abandon humility and no longer identify ourselves as sinners while praying the Hail Mary.

A Tale of Two City Buses

A few days after Christmas, I battled the crowds at Rockefeller Center to see the large tree, and the St. Patrick’s Cathedral Christmas creche, which includes “Lex” (short for Lexington), the statue of the rector’s dog, sitting and gazing at the Christ Child.

Stop Bickering!

This week saw the release of “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff, a book detailing the inner workings of President Donald Trump’s administration. Far from a flattering piece, its author and publisher have received “cease and desist” notices from the president’s lawyers.

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: Thank you and please thank your readers for their very generous gift to brighten the lives of many young ones and their families this Christmas.

Relationship with Tablet

Dear Editor: I wish to thank you for allowing me to offer my opinions and reminiscences in the pages of The Tablet during this past year. Since May, you’ve published four of my letters in the “Readers’ Forum,” as well as two online. Those follow my first letter in the fall of 2008, in which I offered a few anecdotes about Bishop Loughlin H.S. (copies of which I have tucked away somewhere in a box of family photos).

De-Christianizing Bethlehem

Dear Editor: CNS reporter Judith Sudilovsky continues with her propaganda and hit pieces (Dec, 23-30) against Israel, despite the call from Pope Francis that journalists should stick to facts. It was Yassir Arafat who began a de-Christianizing process in Bethlehem causing Christians to flee the city in doves and closing churches among other nefarious acts. […]

Ford, Bishop and Martyr

Dear Editor: Heartfelt kudos to Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio for beginning the cause for the canonization of Bishop Francis X. Ford and for selecting exceptional men to work on the cause.