Was This a Case of Papal Overreach?

The release of Vittorio Messori’s book, “Kidnapped by the Vatican?: The Unpublished Memoirs of Edgardo Mortara” has brought to light an important event in the history of the Roman Catholic Church in the 19th century.

Vocation Retreat with Bishop DiMarzio

In this Year of Vocations, young men are invited to encounter Jesus Christ on the diocese’s annual Vocation Retreat with Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

Don’t Hate the Rich

Dear Editor: It is both sad and boring to have to read repetitious left-wing propaganda that tax cuts for the poor and middle class that do not necessarily further persecute the mislabeled “rich,” who already pay most of the taxes in America and create almost all the mechanisms of goods and services we all depend on, be described as exclusively beneficial for these popular objects of popular hatred.

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: It was “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and wonderful it was at our 12th annual Operation Christmas Smiles event on Dec. 16 at St. Mary, Mother of Jesus parish.

Diocesan Assignments Jan. 20, 2018

PASTOR Rev. Dwayne D. Davis, from administrator to pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas, Marine Park, effective Jan. 28. TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Charles P. Keeney, to temporary administrator, while remaining parochial vicar of St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights, and while remaining diocesan director of Catholic Relief Services, effective Jan. 1. RETIRED Rev. James H. Sweeney, from […]

Pope and President

Dear Editor: The Editor’s Space (Jan. 6) on your expectations for the agendas of Pope Francis and President Trump was puzzling and disturbing.

Thinking of Being a Deacon?

The Diaconate Formation Office has announced new dates for inquiry sessions for men who are interested in the admission process and formation of the permanent diaconate.

Lesson for Pols

This week, a venerable Catholic school in the borough of Queens – St. Pancras, Glendale – announced that it is being forced to close its doors at the end of the current semester. St. Pancras, which has been open for more than 100 years, has been a bedrock to the stability of Glendale over the years. Its contribution to the public good is immeasurable.