Book-Reading Pastor

Dear Editor: Sincere thank you to The Tablet for the excellent coverage (Dec. 6) of the recent rededication ceremony at the McGoldrick library in Flushing.

Loughlin’s Contribution

Dear Editor: I was so happy to read that a play (Dec. 23-30) about our first Bishop, John Loughlin (1817-1891), is touring our parishes. It’s great to see the “good old man” (as his priests called him) getting his due. Bishop Loughlin deserves a lot more attention than historians have given him, so it’s good to see a playwright recognizing this.

We Are Seekers on A Common Journey

THIS WEEK’S Feast of the Epiphany is a continuation of the Christmas story in the prologue of Matthew’s Gospel. The beginning narrative reflects major historical events that give an explanation to the profound significance of the birth of our Savior, Jesus. There is, however, a subtle detail in this familiar story that many of us often overlook. It describes people that are on the move.

What Gift Would I Give to Jesus?

IN OUR FAMILY, we leave the Christmas tree and decorations up until the Epiphany, the feast day celebrating the visitation of the Wise Men to the Christ Child. The irony isn’t wasted on me, that on the day Christ received gifts from the Magi, I decide to close up shop and end Christmas.

Having Hope in 2018

When Isaiah speaks of a bear and cow being neighbors and a baby sitting aside a viper (Is 11:1-9), what message is he sending for us in 2018?

At first look, his examples symbolize peaceful coexistence. That which seems unlikely is now likely; direct opposites uniting as one.

Inner Reform

Each year, the Holy Father gives an end of the year address to his Vatican Curia and, each year, it has turned out to be a stinging, strident remonition to the cardinals and Vatican officials. This year was no different, with the pope reminding those that serve the Church in administrative capacities at the Vatican that careerism and bitterness have no place in the life of the Church. In striving for reform of the Vatican Curia, the Pope quoted a 19th century Belgian papal statesman named Frédéric-François-Xavier De Mérode: “Implementing reforms in Rome is like cleaning the Egyptian Sphinx with a toothbrush.”

Guadalupe for All

Dear Editor: What wonderful coverage you have given (Dec. 9 and 16) of the celebrations for La Guadalupana, both in Mexico and here in Brooklyn. It is impressive to read that this feast is celebrated by many groups of Hispanics and not just persons of Mexican descent.

Miraculous Memories

Dear Editor: What a beautiful experience to read Mrs. Virgadamo’s account of her life in Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal parish. Thank you for sharing your heartwarming story! What a grand way for you and your husband to have grown in that environment and then to have raised your family there.