Life March Needs Support

Dear Editor: On Friday Jan, 19, I joined hundreds of thousands of people to remember and demonstrate against the Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade (which made abortion the law of the land in the USA) in Washington, D.C., in the March for Life.

Tribute to Msgr. Rodgers

Dear Editor: I learned that Msgr. William J. Rodgers passed away on Jan. 21. I have known Msgr. Rodgers since he arrived at St. Patrick’s, Kent Ave., in 1956 when I was nine years old. Even then I realized that he was an intellectually curious person. His rooms in the rectory were loaded with books from floor to ceiling. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. from St. John’s University. His doctoral dissertation was on the American philosopher and logician Charles Sanders Pierce.

Non-Ethnic Identity

Dear Editor: Are there any people out there who would like to celebrate their non-ethnic identity?

Being Like Jesus to All

BEING A NATIVE New Yorker, I am very much accustomed to the New York City subway system. Having taken the subway trains all my life to get within the five boroughs, I am aware of how the system works. I am also aware of my surroundings while riding the subway at certain times of the day.

Humanae Vitae at 50

On July 25, 1968, Blessed Pope Paul VI released his long-awaited encyclical on birth control, “Of Human Life,” or as it is called in its Latin title, “Humanae Vitae.”

A Faithful Father, A Grateful Son

by Father Robert W. Blauvelt

SOME PEOPLE HAVE profound spiritual experiences praying in a church or contemplating a sunset or starry sky. I had one while looking at a weather-beaten farmhouse near Atlantic City, N.J.

ARISE to the Challenge

Talk about a day of confusion. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on Feb. 14 and this year, Lent starts on the same day. I picture a young couple with ashes on their heads at a restaurant with no food on the plates. While Valentine’s Day lasts only 24 hours, Lent will continue for 40 days. And now is the time to think about how we will observe this season in the Church.

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: I am writing once again to thank you for your gift to Families, Fathers, and Children, the prison ministry program operating out of St. Augustine parish, Park Slope. Because of your continued support and generosity, this program is able to provide much needed care and support to families, especially children who have fathers in prison.

The Killing Goes On

Dear Editor: Jan. 22, 1973, the day any claim we had to being a Christian nation ended. Christians do not allow the killing of innocent human beings and that became legal in the U.S. on that horrendous day.

Was It Papal Overreach?

Dear Editor: I really admired Father Cush before he wrote this column… and now even more so. He was brave to put this story (Was This A Case of Papal Overreach?, Jan. 20) out there with all of its gut-wrenching questions, and challenging us Catholics to come to our own conclusions.