‘Showman’ Is My Latest Favorite Film

by Father John Catoir

Sweeping biographies about great leaders like Lincoln, Gandhi and Churchill are at the top of my list of favorite movies. I also love musicals. Up until recently, my favorite musical was ‘My Fair Lady.” However, ‘The Greatest Showman’ has recently moved into first place.

Rediscovering Paul VI

With the exception of Pope John Paul I, no pope since the Second Vatican Council is less known and less appreciated than Blessed Paul VI.

Witnesses of the Lord

AS A KID growing up, for as long as I could remember, I had always been told that I had to give something up for Lent. I could never understand the concept of giving up something that you like for 40 days. I remember my parents telling me that Lent is a time to focus on the spiritual gifts that we have, not the material. They were absolutely right.

Make a Plan to Stay on Course For Lent

by Effie Caldarola

WHEN MY SON and his male cousins headed to college, my daughter’s gift to them was a colorful book called “A Man, a Can, a Plan,” by David Joachim and the editors of Men’s Health.

Living Life Fully as Wife, Mother, Lay Franciscan

by Margaret Birth

I WAS A TEENAGER when an Episcopal priest, Father Ralph Byrd, introduced St. Francis of Assisi to about 150 of us retreatants by showing us the movie, “Brother Sun, Sister Moon.” He said it had transformed his life. The movie is a dramatized biography, largely inspired by St. Bonaventure’s Major Life of St. Francis. From then on, I was captivated.

Father Perry Honored on Retirement

Father Perry Honored on Retirement; free book signing; The third annual Day of Recollection for Parish Musicians; Penny Carnival at St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy, Bellerose; Catholics Continue to Care

Happy 105th Birthday Mrs. Ollari!

“Madame Butterfly;” Compassion in Action: Lent; Sisterly Vocation Discernment; Lent with Young Adults; Happy 105th Birthday Mrs. Ollari!

Real Immigration Reform

Dear Editor: In response to Barbara Flynn and Mychal McNicholas, “Marching for Immigrants”(Jan. 27), I totally agree that we need to enact appropriate legislation dealing with “Dreamers” and other undocumented immigrants.

‘The Devil Made Me Do It’

Dear Editor: Unlike old-time comedian Flip Wilson’s “The Devil Made Me Do It,” K. Anthony Noble correctly states (Dec. 9) that we are responsible for the evil we do.