Take His Hand and Be Healed

EVERY THIRD TUESDAY of the month, I celebrate Mass at Concord Nursing Home in Bedford-Stuyvesant. The Missionaries of Charity Sisters, who live in the convent, arranged for this Mass to be celebrated each month. The residents of the nursing home look forward to this Mass, but most especially seeing the sisters.

Our Eucharistic Lord Spoke to My Heart

THE DOMINICAN Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist – the name itself is a prayer. When I first met the community in 2000, it was only three years old and already growing rapidly. The Sisters’ full-length white habits and generous smiles bespoke their total self-gift and corresponding joy. In these religious sisters, I recognized the fulfillment of an unexpressed longing of my heart. Though life would bear me far from this moment, I never forgot.

Fond Memories of the Late Msgr. Dr. Rodgers

It was a cold morning at 6 a.m. one day in the early 1960s when I first met the late Msgr. William J. Rodgers as an altar boy for Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Kent Ave., Fort Greene.   “Introibo ad altare Dei. Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.” He was praying the Tridentine Mass in beautiful ecclesiastical Latin, and I was a Latin newbie fascinated by the language and the ritual of the Mass.

An Educated Clergy

This past week, a Plenary Session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was held at the Vatican. This was a meeting of those priests, religious, and laity who work in this particular Vatican office with the Holy Father, Pope Francis. The role of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is not to be “the Holy Inquisition” as it was called many years ago, but one of clarifying and defending the faith and the sanctity of the Sacraments.

Marching for Immigrants

Dear Editor: We were among the 200,000 who took part in the Women’s March on Jan. 20 in Manhattan.

A Child’s View of Race

Dear Editor: Bishop DiMarzio and the U.S. Bishops are courageously addressing the sin of racism.

Blessings of Maryknoll

Dear Editor: I read with interest your article concerning Bishop Francis X. Ford and his hopefully impending sainthood.

Growing Up Polish

Dear Editor: I wish to thank Thomas Straczynski for his beautiful evocation (Dec. 16) of growing up in Polish Greenpoint. Actually, it was all quite familiar to myself since I grew up in Our Lady of Czestochowa parish in South Brooklyn. What beautiful memories! FRANCES GALLAGHER Windsor Terrace

Father Lauder on NET-TV

Dear Editor: NET-TV finally found a slot for the worthwhile program called “Catholic Novels.”

President’s Choice of Words

Dear Editor: President Trump needs to carefully choose his words when giving his opinion on issues that he discusses with his staff.