Last April, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote these words:
Author: settinger
To Truly Be a Christian Is Not Easy
When I was growing up, many of my friends would tell me all the time that being a Christian is easy. Because I went to public school, many of my classmates were intrigued by the fact that my family and I were practicing Catholics. My friends didn’t understand why I took my faith so seriously, especially when I was a teenager.
Beyond Amazonia
The post-synodal apostolic exhortation “Querida Amazonia” [Beloved Amazon] did not accept or endorse the 2019 Amazonian synod’s proposal that viri probati — mature married men — be ordained priests in that region. So until the German Church’s “synodal path” comes up with a similar proposal, a period of pause has been created in which some non-hysterical reflection on the priesthood and celibacy can take place throughout the world Church. Several points might be usefully pondered in the course of that conversation.
Our Blessed Mother: ‘Health of the Sick’
I am writing this article on Feb. 11, the Feast of our Lady of Lourdes, which our late Holy Father, Pope St. John Paul II designated as “The World Day of the Sick.”
My Memories of Sister Thea Bowman
During my time at Aquinas H.S. in La Crosse, Wis., I was privileged to have a young Sister Thea Bowman as a teacher during my sophomore year.
Sister Patricia Maureen (Mary Catherine) Mulryan, S.C.,
Sister Patricia Maureen (Mary Catherine) Mulryan, S.C., who taught at St. Paul’s School in Cobble Hill and who was a member of the Sisters of Charity for 71 years, died on Feb. 9 in New City, N.Y. She was 89.
Maryknoll Missionary, First Bishop of Incheon, S.K.
Bishop William J. McNaughton, a Maryknoll missionary for 66 years and the first bishop of Incheon, South Korea, from 1962 until his retirement 2002, died Feb. 3 at Cedar View Rehabilitation and Health Care Center in Methuen. He was 93.
Very Disappointed With the Iowa Caucuses Article
Dear Editor: I’m very disappointed with the article on the front page of The Tablet (“Catholic Iowa Democrats…”, Jan. 25).
Pro-Abortion and Pro-Infanticide Candidates
Dear Editor: This article is disgraceful (“Catholic Iowa Democrats Weigh Choices,” Jan. 25). Your front page really shows why the Catholic Church in this country is on a decline — the church can’t even support a president that is fighting for them every day!
Perfect Is the Enemy Of Good
Dear Editor: Our President has been called many things in his three years in office, but my adjective of choice is “frustrating.” He seems to be, morally, on both sides of what is right and proper.