Not a Matter of Faith

It seems that the days of “legal, safe and rare” are gone for those who advocate for a “pro-choice” position. And it seems that pro-choice advocates are becoming more irrational, ignoring common sense, logic and science, and are operating solely on emotion. All of that can be demonstrated by three instances, one in New York, one in Pennsylvania and one in Georgia.

God Bless America

Dear Editor: ‘God Bless America’ I always thought was a paean to the wonders of America and Kate Smith was a great patriotic entertainer who was dedicated to our soldiers at war.

Evolution and St. Augustine

Dear Editor: The concept of evolution sits well with St. Augustine’s interpretation of creation but he would have treated the proposition of ‘natural selection as an impersonal force reacting only to physical circumstance of random mutations, merely to perpetuate biological life in whatever form it happens to take’ as a heresy.

School Choice

Dear Editor: Reader Gerald De Maio writes about school choice and the recent outrage by many since there is a lack of minority students (blacks and Hispanics) in the city’s specialized high schools (“A Catholic Solution,”Letters to the Editor, May 4). While Gerard’s letter is accurate, he fails to mention the dirty little secret that our politicians or the liberal media don’t want to touch.

Persecuted Christians

Dear Editor: The seemingly “new” assault, the depraved torture and mass murder of Christians and Catholics in particular, in places like Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Syria, Iraq, etc., are not really new, but in some instances, date back to Jesus’ earthly journey and institution of His Church (“Easter Attacks on Churches in Sri Lanka Are Tragic, but Hardly Surprising,” April 27).

Abortion and Mercy

Dear Editor: I wanted to express my profound gratitude to you for the beautiful Editorial you wrote in the April 20 edition of The Tablet! (“Rachel’s Helpers and the Mystery of Easter Sunday,” Editor’s Space). They sent it to me on Holy Thursday and I sat in my car and cried. What a gift of the Holy Spirit this was!

The Good Shepherd Should Be the Model for All Priests

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, pray for your shepherds, your priests and bishops, that they may indeed be good and holy and that, in their service to God’s people, they may strive by words and deeds to sanctify the Bride of Christ, the Church, in the service of Christ, the Bridegroom.

Called To Be Free

Third in a series WHAT HAS BEEN on my mind as I have been writing this series of columns about freedom is that freedom is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. If we study the evolutionary process leading up to the appearance of human beings, we do not find freedom. When human beings appear, […]