No Vacation From Our Faith

Many priests of the Diocese of Brooklyn can tell a similar story from when they were in the seminary – a seminary formator, usually a rector, a dean or a spiritual director, reminding the young man that “there is no vacation from a vocation.”

Times Are A-changing

Dear Editor: I grew up in this church and with these sisters (“Holy Union Sisters Leave Astoria After 71 Years,” April, 2017). I have many good memories of what the Church was. Sister Jeanne and Sister Bridget have brought my nephews and nieces up. These sisters were here for my mom.

The Memory of Those Days

Dear Editor: I would like to prayerfully congratulate Msgr. John F. Casey on his 65 year Anniversary as a Priest (“Priests Are Marking Their 65th, 60th Anniversaries,” May 25).

A Wonderful Priest

Dear Editor: Father Father W. Blauvelt, or Robert Bob, as we called him at St. Camillus in Rockaway Park was a wonderful and caring priest (“A Faithful Father, A Grateful Son,” Feb. 2018). When I became an EM in 2014 he was the one who inducted me. I think of him often. VIRGINIA KUHN Via […]

Hitting the Nail on the Head

Dear Editor: The loud banging sound I heard while reading the May 25 Tablet was you hitting the nail on the head in your “As The Tablet Sees It” column “Keep the Hierarchy.” The last paragraph in particular was outstanding! It encapsulated today’s problems in the Church while at the same time offering a constructive way for us to deal with those problems: believe in the triune God and pray.

God and Country

Dear Editor: I  would like to praise a good priest who I have gotten to know – Father Mark Bristol. I know of his love of God and country (“It’s Anchor Aweigh for Father Bristol As He Becomes Navy Chaplain,” June 1). He is a most dedicated priest and is loved by all he has served.

The Great Carl Erskine

Dear Editor: Great story about “Oisk” in the Bobby Thomson homerun game (“Brooklyn Can’t Forget the Pride of Anderson, Ind.,” May 25). It was a sad day in Brooklyn.

Sister Mary Donald Kelly, R.S.M.

Sister Mary Donald Kelly, R.S.M., a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Mid-Atlantic Community for 72 years, died on April 5 at Maria Regina Residence, Brentwood. She was 90.

Sister Helen Butler, O.P.

Sister Helen Butler, O.P., a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville for 70 years, died at her order’s motherhouse in Amityville on April 28. She was 88.

Sister Therese Ezelius, O.P.

Sister Therese Ezelius, O.P., a longtime teacher and religious education director in Brooklyn and Long Island and a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville for 57 years, died on May 17 at the sisters’ motherhouse in Amityville. She was 75.